Trump maintaining rally in the Bronx as “hush money” trial nears discontinuance


Trump maintaining rally in the Bronx as

It is a day of Firsts for both presumptive presidential nominees President Biden praised Kenyan President William ruto's quote bold leadership today Ruto is the first African leader to be honored with a state visit in more than 15 years meanwhile former president Trump is in New York today but not for his criminal trial he is holding a.

Campaign rally of sorts in the Bronx specifically the South Bronx and that's where we find our Olivia raldi Olivia great to see you set the scene forth us at this park in the South Bronx what's going on yeah good evening major we are here in the South Bronx at this Trump rally it's a major campaign rally that he's.

Holding in New York City and it's interesting that we're here today on this Thursday even though there's no court see the Trump campaign had planned to have this rally here tonight on a Thursday when typically Donald Trump would be down at the courthouse in lower Manhattan but that didn't happen court adjourned earlier this week the defense.

Ared and campaign officials tell me that Trump has been golfing today in Westchester and he'll make his way here later tonight but the reason why we're here speaks to a broader campaign strategy about expanding the map the Trump campaign really believes that they can not only win in the seven Battleground states that we typically.

Talk about but they can expand the map to Minnesota to Virginia New Jersey where he held a rally last weekend and now New York where he's holding a rally today and the South Bronx is particular particularly notable because it's home to a lot of Hispanic voters and a lot of africanamerican Voters that's crucial those are voting blocks that the Trump.

Campaign has seen breaking a little bit their way that traditionally vote Democratic but as of lately have been showing some interest in Donald Trump they're trying to capitalize that tonight here in the Bronx major so for those of us old enough to remember Olivia President Carter went to the Bronx then Ronald Reagan as president.

Went to the Bronx then Bill Clinton went to the Bronx there's a long hist history of presidents going to the Bronx either to campaign or to point with alarm at what has gone wrong in the Bronx is there anything in particular former president Trump wants to say or do to make this South Bronx trip resonate we can expect him tonight to.

Focus on a few key things that are essential in his campaign namely immigration I spoke with a few Hispanic voters earlier today about Trump in general and his bound immigration and if that bothers them they tell me largely not in fact someone my Uber driver actually on the way up here I asked him what do people in your community say.

About Donald Trump he's a Dominican who came here to America and he told me that overwhelmingly people in his community like Trump and they want to vote for him he reminds them of leaders back home so expect him to capitalize on this immigration message that we need to crack down on the border as we hear New York officials like mayor Eric Adams.

Talk about immigration being such a key issue in 24 but not only that inflation high rent prices High grocery prices all those sorts of things we can expect Trump to focus on here tonight the campaign says he's going to capitalize on that knowing that high prices and immigration are something in New York that are interesting to a lot of Voters.

Olivia as you well know it is always Risky Business to talk about Trump rallies and crowd sizes you experienced that firstand wild word New Jersey a week ago in general how would you assess the crowd forming for the former president this afternoon look it's there's a lot of people here there's a couple thousand.

People here I would say that the permit for today was about 3,500 people so that we know inside the rally that is the number of people that will be here but outside in the park there are protesters there are counter protesters there are prot Trump people they're making it kind of the typical Trump rally scene that we had seen before which is it's like a.

Carnival people are out camping they are out tailgating they're enjoying they're talking to each other it's kind of like a community Gathering that's a sense I got out there one thing that was different though than is different from other Trump Ries was a little bit more tense outside with those counter protesters you normally don't get that.

When you're in Wisconsin when I've been in Michigan I haven't really seen that but I have seen that here tonight in New York City a lot of those kind of protesters talking to Trump supporters yelling at each other in that typical New York Fashion that people are so Keen to do up here major New York City loud and argumentative but that's the norm.

Not the exception Olivia raldi thank you so much

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