Trump reacts to Barack and Michelle Obama’s speeches on the DNC


Trump reacts to Barack and Michelle Obama's speeches on the DNC

Republicanpresidential nominee Donald Trump is in battleground North Carolina trying to take advantage of this moment to try to get any kind of traction he can in battleground states. His campaign event there comes after Barack and Michelle Obama slammed him in their DNC speeches.

Last night, as Jake just played a few moments ago. Our Phil Mattingly is in Asheboro, North Carolina, where Trump just wrapped up his first outdoor rally since the assassination attempt against him last month. Also, obviously.

An important moment in Thatrillionegard, and it was billed as a national security speech. Did he stick to that? No. In a word, there were certainly national security elements and their key planks.

From his foreign policy of his first administration that he certainly wanted to wander through and talk about and focus on. In this speech about a second administration. But it was also very clear he is paying very close attention.

To the Democratic convention or Democratic charade, as he called it, repeatedly, including two speakers from last night. Take a listen. Did yousee Barack Hussein Obama last night taking the shots? He was taking shots at your president. And so was Michelle.

You know, they always say, sure, please stick to policy. Don't get personal. And yet they're getting personal all night long. These people do. I still have to stick to policy. And Erin, what's interesting is that was actually.

The types of conversations he appeared to be recounting multiple times throughout the course of his nearly hour plus speech, talking about how advisers were telling him to stick to policy as Republican allies have and that he doesn't want to.

He took an informal poll. The crowd said, go with personal tax. Are. Yeah. Interesting. All right. Phil Mattingly, thank you very much. In North Carolina, Jake, as we listen. Stevie Wonder. Yeah.

Oh, look at the timing on that. Nice. Now, I don't have to listen to myself instead of Stevie Wonder. let's talk about this. oh. Not Stevie Wonder. As much as I would love to just, see the floor to little Stevie. Bakari, let me start with you.

Let's, just play some of the sound, demonstrating how Democrats are talking about the Republican Donald Trump, who seems, from the clip that we just saw from Phil Mattingly in North Carolina, quite perturbed, quite offended. I love that word. so, let's let's run some of the sound.

It was the same old show. The divisiveness and the disrespect going small is petty. It's unhealthy. And quite frankly, it's unpresidential. We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos. We have seen that movie before, and we all know that the.

Sequel is usually worse. All right.What do you think? So I think that most people just hear it and hear the attacks on Trump, but don't see what the campaign is doing or how the shift is actually occurring because you're seeing a messaging change right now. The message is changing from.

Donald Trump. Is this this kind of threat to democracy that this is huge villain, this mighty ogre over? Yeah. And no, he's just a buffoon, but he's the guy who is out there just, vacuuming at 830 in the morning on a Sunday.

When you're trying to sleep or the leaf blower is Barack Obama said. And so they're just kind of you see the shift in policy and it's kind of a permission almost for Kamala Harris to adopt this new strategy of not saying that Donald Trump is wrapping his hands.

Around the throat of democracy, but instead, do you want four more years of incompetence, of buffoonery, of chaos? And that's what you saw last night. And I thought, and just for a second, I think that.

There was a lot of pent up angst and just emotion, from, Michelle Obama over the past 8 or 9 years that she was able to let go of last night because Donald Trump has just picked at them and called them names and taken them to the mud.

And tried to otherwise them and everything else. And so last night, I think she finally said, I'm fed up. And let me tell you who this man really is. And she did it with such honesty that it was decently refreshing. David Urban, one of the other people.

That we heard from, talking about Donald Trump, was his former communications director, press secretary Stephanie Grisham, and one of the most potentially damaging things, she said, although I don't know if it will actually be.

Damaging, is how she described how Donald Trump describes his supporters. Let's roll a clip of that. I wasn't just a Trump supporter. I was a true believer. I was one of his closest advisers. Behind closed doors, Trump mocks his supporters.

He calls them basement dwellers. you you you you. I'll say this, Jake. I've done more rallies and spent more time with Donald Trump and Stephanie Grisham has at rallies around real people around the basement dwellers. I've never heard him once.

Refer to anybody in those terms. He takes pictures in kitchens where we're walking through the Secret Service, take it through stops, you know? So. So that's not your experience? Not my experience at all over the past six, since 2016.

Never seen it once. So so I, you know, I just I flat out dismissed that and then listen to what President Obama was talking about. And he's talking about listen completely paint.

Donald Trump the way you want to paint him. The fact of the matter is, after 32 flawless days of campaigning, he's still ahead or tied with this campaign in this building. Right. So, you know, I heard President Obama say, look,.

This guy takes a punch, it gets back up. So we're going to be prepared to fight. And he's like, hope is just around the corner. Apparently he hadn't seen the jobs numbers for today 818,000 jobs last revised downward for the first time since 2000. Biggest revision downward since 2009.

US inflation up to 4.3%, highest since 2021. Five out of six up jobs reports in the past. Five out of six job reports revised down downward right 11% of credit card holders are now in default. If Hope's making a comeback,.

It's not now jobs report that's out today. And so Bakari and the people in this room come Monday, the Harris, the Biden-Harris administration, which she was a part of, I have to answer for those things. You can call him a buffoon.

You can say whatever. But the American people know those numbers because they feel it in their pocketbooks. Ana Navarro, you have worked on Republican campaigns. You were an advisor to Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

You spoke last night here at the Democratic National Committee's convention. What was it like for you speaking to Democrats? The whole experience, has been surreal. Look, for me, you know, it's been an evolution.

That started in 2016. I, I just could not ever support Donald Trump. That was the first time that I voted for a Democrat. I had voted for Republicans my entire life. And I think I wanted to tell folks yesterday,.

You can go ahead and put country first. You can put values first. You can put principles first. It's okay to vote for somebody. And I know of another party. You will survive. Your hand will not fall off. You will not be struck by lightning. And you know,.

I understand the struggle that it is for some Republicans because and I think people particularly, who may not be very politically involved, don't understand how hard it is to do something for the first time when you think you're breaking loyalty, tradition, habit,.

You know everything you've grown up with, but it's okay. It's okay to do it. And so for me, it was all about that. And also, I have I have a relationship with Joe Biden. I've known him for over 20 years. I have a relationship with Kamala Harris. I've known her for over seven years.

So it's incredibly exciting. And the optimism was electrifying from that podium. You, you you really can see that somehow she's captured lightning in a bottle, and it's just channeling this level of enthusiasm that I haven't felt in a long time from a political anything.

You know, it's interesting, David, the one of the strengths of the Democratic Party and you mentioned yesterday, I think, how Susie Wiles, the Trump campaign manager, noted that she was less and less, impressed with Joe Biden than she was.

With the Democratic Party, per se. The Democratic Party has former presidents, has stars, has rising stars, etc.. the Republican Party does not have that because Trump has chased a lot of them out of the party or alienated them or attacked them. I mean, there.

There is a living Republican president named George W Bush who was not welcome, in fact, JD Vance's entire speech, he came out to a song, that is an anti George W Bush song. Yeah. I mean,but Donald Trump does have, as you said, he chased those figures out of the party,.

But he has the voters. He has the Republican Party 100%. That is very much rallied around him when, you know, he, he fortified the support in the nomination season so quickly. And that sort of catapulted into the general election.

When you look at polls, huge percentage, over 90% of his 2020 voters are still with him and the party still with them. So so he does have that. But you are absolutely right. There is not he doesn't have he changed the Republican Party.

And remade it in his image. So there's no nobody on their shoulders he can sort of rely on to help tell his story. Yeah.It just seems it's just glaring that this convention is about the Democratic Party, and that convention.

Was about Donald Trump. It seems to me. I would just say real quickly, Jake, that that Republican Party, though, was losing. Right? We were losing races. We hadn't won Pennsylvania for 30 years with that Republican Party. One race. But you know, something.

That I don't think this convention is about the party. It's also about the voters and about the people. And I think that that part of that lightning in a bottle Kamala Harris has captured in the last 30 some days.

Is because it's organic and it's coming from the young people doing me. And this is not the campaign doing it. It's the young people. It's the people out there who've taken lead in this campaign.

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3 thoughts on “Trump reacts to Barack and Michelle Obama’s speeches on the DNC

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