Trump sends stinging warning to Dems: Here’s a ‘rigged deal’


Trump sends stinging warning to Dems: Here's a ‘rigged deal’

Liberations in Trump's New York trial jurors are asking to hear the testimonies of David pecker and Michael Cohen again as well as the instructions on how to consider evidence Trump asking the New York Court of Appeals to expedite the review of his gag order while telling Americans he'd love to be campaigning right now watch.

This this is five weeks and five weeks of really essentially not campaigning although I took a big lead in the polls over the last few weeks I something's going on because I think the people of this country see that this is a rick deal it's a weaponized deal for the Democrats to hit their political opponent Jenine is Louisiana congressman.

And House Majority Leader Steve scalise Congressman it's good to see you this morning thanks so much for being here your reaction to what's taking place downtown in New York you heard what president Trump just said yeah good morning great to be with you Maria and what's happening in New York is it's an embarrassment to the.

Judicial system you know the fact that you've got a judge so heavily conflicted you know his daughter's making millions of dollars off of this trial you've got the Democrat Party literally with President Biden's campaign you know rolling out an old washed up actor Robert dairo to try to intimidate the jury uh into getting a guilty verdict.

Regardless of the facts they never presented any facts and yet they don't care they really don't and it's doing tremendous damage to the state of New York is there any surprise Maria that New York is the state that's seeing the most exiting of people people leaving their state to go to other places uh I think people are watching this abuse of.

The judicial system lawfare whatever you want to call it weaponization of government it's all there on display before the Public's eyes people see it and I think most people in America are disgusted by it whatever they think of President Trump and I think a lot of people that maybe weren't going to vote for president Trump are looking and.

Saying wait a minute I need to give this guy a second look because I don't like what the Democrat Party is doing from the president United States to uh Democrat who ran on a platform not of putting criminals away but of just going to find something on Donald Trump and even if you don't find it you saw the the instructions the judge gave to the.

Jury basically you don't have to be unanimous just anything you want to do just find a way to put this guy away because we don't like him uh that's what the Democrat Party is doing in Washington and I think there are a lot of Democrats across the country that don't agree with this and are going to be voting for Donald Trump it's why you.

Saw so much support for Trump when he went to speak in the Bronx went to the Jersey Shore this is real what's going on out there in real America and then you've got the Democrat party's America which is very different well I mean you know what is this going to mean for the election I mean you know we could see a conviction we don't know how where this.

Is going could be a hung jury uh could be a conviction but what do you think in terms of the impact on the election five months away I think most people have already factored this in and you can see the polling uh every big bombshell you know G was Cohen's going to give some great testimony well Cohen will say whatever.

He wants to you see the guy he's a Serial liar he's a convicted perjurer um and I'm sure the jury saw that too but you know at the end of the day most Americans have been following this circus and I think that's what they view it as they view it as a circus and an abuse of the judicial system so whatever verdict comes out they know it's so.

Skewed that it's not reflective of what's really happening in America what they're Furious about are what you just showed up on on that last segment the price is that they're paying for everything they cannot go to a fast food store anymore because of Joe Biden's America we've got millions of people that have come across our border.

Including people from countries that want to do us harm people on the terrorist watch list you know people that are murdering our our own citizens in every community in America that's what Joe Biden has gotten us and Donald Trump will fix those problems and people know that well people I think are hungry for real leadership let's talk policy.

For a second because a top Israeli official is predicting that the war against Hamas could go on for at least another seven months and that targeting Rafa is quote not pointless he said White House National Security Communications adviser John Kirby uh is still talking about what Israel should do and shouldn't do but he said Israel.

Has not crossed a red line watch this there is a fresh proposal that's that's uh that's be ing worked um and I can tell you that the Israelis are fully supportive of this fresh proposal um and as before have been have been willing to deal in good faith on this we still have not seen uh a major ground operation in Rafa.

In the manner I described it as yesterday which large amounts you know thousands and thousands of troops moving in a coordinated fashion against you know maneuvering against a variety of targets on the ground uh in a very aggressive way what do you think Congressman I mean the White House is promising uh to.

Reconstruct the failed Gaza pier in order to get more humanitarian Aid into the region part of the $320 million project broke off and floated away on Tuesday your reaction to the status of Affairs in Gaza and Hamas yeah the first of all the the only reaction from the United States should be to support our friend and Ally Israel.

Who has been under attack since October 7th there is a war going on and Hamas a terrorist organization is the group that declared that war that went in and brutally murdered Israelis and Americans by the way there are still hostages uh that are both American Jewish isra Israelis why isn't the United States being more unequivocal in their support.

Of Israel and I think that's what people are frustrated by the peer was yet another debacle brought to you by the people that brought you the Afghan withdrawal you know we we've got to get a realignment and some real accountability in our military when major mistakes are made uh there is absolutely no accountability and they.

Just continue to uh just kind of give this soft support to our allies you saw what's happening in Ukraine uh where uh Joe Biden put limitations on the missiles that that were given to Ukraine saying well you could you just can't shoot into Russian territory where all the Russian troops are yeah well that means that's just going to drag that.

Conflict out even longer instead of trying to end this thing sooner Joe Biden wants a long elongated war and frankly more loss of life amongst Ukraine soldiers with the limitations Joe Biden put on when he did this in in in Israel you've seen the same things where he's telling them don't go into Rafa well that's where Hamas is right.

These are the people that are trying to kill Jews and others in Israel and and that's Israel's got to defend their country and our only statement should be that we support our Ally and you know the the peer 300 plus million dollars of money thrown in the trash can over half the aid was stolen by Hamas I got to get the to the work in the house because.

House Republicans are planning an aggressive Government funding strategy for fiscal year 2025 you're aiming to mark up 12 spending bills before the August recess the Appropriations Committee already approving legislation to fund military construction Veterans Affairs and related agencies last week but House minority leader hakee Jeff is.

Coming after you saying that he's coming after the GOP spending plan watch this the extreme magga Republican majority has unnecessarily decided to engage in in political stunts and gamesmanship by marking up Appropriations bills that have zero chance of becoming law the extreme mag.

Republicans who understand that Dynamic are trying to shut down the government and hurt the American people in advance of the November election how ridiculous you you want to hurt the American people ahead of the election look you're leading this charge what's your reaction to these charges yeah that's quite Rich coming.

From somebody who literally voted against every single Appropriations bill that came out of the house last year you know Maria we passed over 80% of bills to fund the government last year long before the deadline so there would be no government shutdown and AE and almost every other Democrat voted no they voted against funding the government so they.

Wanted a government shut down and I'm sure they're just setting up the stage for another series of no votes you know we're going to bring 12 bills that fund government and we're going to have a robust debate on spending they have spent so much money that people can't afford to leave their house to go to a fast food restaurant Maria and they want.

To keep spending money that we don't have they we we identified over $250 billion dollar in illegal payments payments going to people that aren't even real people uh tax credits uh to illegal aliens uh and they want to keep doing that they want to send your money to people that aren't even here Al so this is what we're trying to get under.

Control so that we can get our economy moving again and we're going to move the bills and we're going to let them vote for those bills all right we'll be watching your work thanks very much for being here this morning great to see you Steve with you than we'll see you soon Steve skl in Louisiana stay with us we'll be right back.

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