Trump supporters raise $600K+ to serve pay for ‘unjust’ NY fraud trial option


Trump supporters raise $600K+ to serve pay for ‘unjust’ NY fraud trial option

Welcome back the impeachment inquiry heating up President Biden's younger brother James Biden will be appearing for a transcribed interview before the house oversight committee tomorrow this comes as a damning report in Politico details how James Biden leveraged his brother Joe Biden's name while pitching himself to the failed healthc care.

Company americore americore is now suing James Biden accusing him of defrauding the company of $600,000 James Biden allegedly spoke of plans to give his brother Joe equity in americore install him on the board of the company and have Joe promote the company in a future presidential campaign James Biden even said that Joe.

Biden was sitting right next to him during a business call the report mirrors Hunter Biden's Infamous 2017 WhatsApp message where he also warned a Chinese business associate pay up because my father is sitting next to me joining me right now is new Congressman Nick Langworthy he's a member of the House oversight Agriculture and rules.

Committee Congressman thanks very much for being here this story in Politico is damning to say the least are you expecting to raise this with James Biden when he sits for an interview in front of your committee tomorrow well he once again has a lot to answer it it's great to see that he's finally coming in for this interview and.

A year ago uh I I think that the administration would have denied that they would ever have Biden family members coming before the oversight committee as part of this impeachment inquiry uh this is uh going to be a very important moment in this investigation but what we read in the political story what we've seen is the same disgusting.

Narrative the this family has pedal a name and a name only no knowhow no expertise uh they have sold access to Joe Biden and Joe Biden's quote brand uh and you see that you know Jim Biden receives 200,000 he immediately cuts that check back to his brother uh there's there's no note there's no publicly available document uh and this.

Is not how business is done if you're not involved so this really I think he has an awful lot to answer uh in in this investigation in this uh interview uh and I'm very much looking forward to uh to seeing the outcome here so on the same day that Jim Biden receives $200,000 from americore he cuts a check for the same amount $200,000 to his.

Brother Joe Biden after the president said he never got a dollar from any of these businesses he's never received anything and what do you know we we get the bank records and there's checks cut directly to Joe Biden not just from Hunter's Shady llc's but now directly from Jim Biden from his.

Family's joint checking account for $200,000 the direct amount he received from this americore this very troubled uh company that seems they have trouble with the law because they can't follow um you know the code of conduct of of the the Medicare program in Medicaid uh what what you see this is the money going directly from.

One brother to the next brother directly contradicts what the president has said time and again well we're going to be interested in hearing what you learn from uh Joe Biden's brother James Biden tomorrow I want to move on to take a look at the two different applications of the law when it comes to Biden versus Trump uh and of.

Course that huge uh verdict against Trump on Friday now supporters of former president Trump have raised more than than $600,000 to help pay for the $355 million New York civil judgment this GoFundMe called Stand with Trump fund the the $355 million unjust judgment is averaging about $49 as of uh this.

Morning with the top donation of $10,000 in addition to that fine Trump is being banned from running his business in New York and applying for bank loans for three years his two sons Eric and Don Jr also barred for two years and also uh being forced to pay up Congressman what is your reaction to all of this I it's absolutely disgusting what.

Tis James and the kangaroo court in New York has done uh to uh president Trump and and the Trump organization a great American company a great American success story and and what they have the way they have applied this law no one was defrauded no one was cheated out of a nickel uh yet they have taken this opportunity to politicize uh every uh.

Tool of power that Leticia James has in her hands and what you see with this this These funds raised it just shows how deep the support is from the American people people you know average folks going on a website and and donating money uh to help him uh with this judgment I mean I think that combined with the massive amounts of.

Money he's uh raised for his campaign just show how deep that support runs and and people people get this they understand you have people manipulating their power to hurt president Trump because they're fearful of him coming back to the White House because they know he is on to them he's seen what they did to obstruct him in his first.

Term and he is going to change his country and get this country back in the right direction for the American people will he be able to do that though Congressman I mean you've got four indictments here you've got all of these fines trying to bleed him dry do you think this is going to impact his ability to run and as he expects to win.

In November I expect he will win in November and you you see uh you know I I he's going to clean up in South Carolina and beat his his nearest opponent who's from the state by probably 35 points uh his support has grown as these people have created and put on full display the manipulation of our justice system H his.

His support I think is perhaps stronger than ever yeah Congressman it's good to have you this morning thanks very much we'll be watching all of that

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