Trump’s marketing campaign going thru monetary concern


Trump's marketing campaign going thru monetary concern

Just days after Donald Trump's allies took over the Republican National dozens of RNC officials have been pushed out of the organization but at least they have a lot of money to spend on the campaigns right two sources tell NBC News at least four senior staffers were terminated yesterday and as many as 60 officials could be laid off wow according to.

Politico the rnc's new Chief Operating Officer sent a letter to employees explaining the new leadership team was quote in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned with its Vision its vision of course is pay Donald Trump's legal phase and being a cult and being a cult as political notes that order.

Shakeup underscores the swiftness in which Trump's team is moving to take over the Republican party's operations after the former president Alber clinched the GOP Presidential nomination last week I I I mean heading into the 2024 election Trump's campaign facing a massive cash Crunch and some people are worried well they should be that he's.

Spending way too much of his political money a legal bill bills yeah now they can't pay his civil liabilities can they I no right there's even concern he may not be able to afford to hold his signature rallies take a look at how msnbc's Von hilard explained the situation not only are they looking at a deficit in finances compared to Biden.

But also there's the reality here at that $80 billion have already gone towards legal related expenses over the last 2 years from Trump Affiliated super packs so they're already starting into a deficit add on to the add on to the reality here that the RNC is having to figure out how to best fund also Senate in down ballot races there are serious.

Question marks for the Trump uh team and how they're going to be able to even compete here's also a reality at play it takes Manpower money can also help towards this is my my big sh here money can help towards actually putting folks on the ground in these states in the areas where they are going to rely on to pull off victories are in rural parts of.

Georgia rural parts of Wisconsin rural parts of Michigan rural parts of Arizona and to get folks that normally don't vote you got to go and tell them we need you to come vote and so Bullhead City Arizona if you don't have the money to finance some actual staff out in those areas it makes it a lot more harder and you can go and have a rally in those.

Places but those rallies cost $400,000 I mean this is where don't expect to see Donald Trump to be parading around the country because those events cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to put on they're in a predicament now whether they like to admit it or not you know um Willie it's not like Nikki Haley and all of us and.

Anybody uh that has cared for a healthy Republican party hasn't been warning about this for years that if you elect Donald Trump you elect a guy who's not fit to be president first of all but secondly is going to put the Republican party in a terrible terrible position he has looted his campaign funds to pay for legal bills and now he's he's firing.

People inside the RNC and putting family members in there to pay even more of his legal bills and he's doing this as he's starting to go into a general election as Jonathan lir said you know 5050 I personally don't think it's 50/50 but you look at the Bulls right now it's about 5050 and Republicans have selected a candidate who's who's got it his.

Campaign cash by the way this has a huge impact on people running for the Senate people running for the House Republicans who need help from the RNC that's just not going to happen now and because he's gutting people in there who were competent uh most likely uh they're now going to have a bunch of of of cult members going in personality cult.

Members going in there and the incompetence will grow by the day yeah what happened yesterday was a purge it was a loyalty test so if Lara Trump who is Donald Trump's daughter-in-law she's now the she's the co-head but she's really running the RNC at the Beast of Donald Trump is seeing who's loyal to Donald Trump and who's not and if you're.

Not sufficiently loyal you're gone so I think that's sort of the definition of a cult and it's showing up in donors Joe we talked a couple weeks ago about that Financial time story that Donald Trump has thousands and thousands and thousands fewer donors than he had at this point when he first ran and why because they're saying I'm not giving.

You all my money to pay your legal bills I'd like to see Republicans win I'd like to see maybe even you win but also senators and and house members be reelected but I'm not here to pay your legal bills and that has a real impact like you say

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