U.S. will ‘absolutely’ pay a designate for this, Gen. Keane says


U.S. will ‘absolutely’ pay a designate for this, Gen. Keane says

Mile the United States reportedly proposing a un Security Council draft resolution which calls for a temporary ceasefire in the Israeli Hamas War while warning against an Israeli ground invasion of Rafa Israel is vowing to launch its Rafa offensive by Ramadan now Ramadan begins on March 10th if the remaining hostages are not released by.

Hamas Israel says it will move forward meanwhile Iranian backed hooti Rebels are claiming they shot down a US Reaper drone yesterday that happened off the C of Yemen the Pentagon says it's investigating the cost of the crash joining me right now is Fox News senior strategic analyst chairman of the institute for the study of War General.

Jack Keane General always a pleasure good to see you this morning and what is your reaction to this un uh forced peace deal or perhaps a stoppage even if temporary of the fighting well yeah certainly well the Israelis themselves have been participating in negotiation s looking for some kind of a.

Ceasefire uh and get all the hostages released I I think the resolution that the US proposing actually stating their opposition to military operations in Rafa is something the Israelis would take exception to they they absolutely believe that they have to complete their operations in Rafa if they're going to destroy Hamas certainly the the issue at.

Hand is the presence of over 1 million civilians many of whom don't live in Rafa but in temporary shelters in and around Rafa and trying to move them away from the actual Battle Zone that take place that's quite a challenge and and still try to protect civilian life so that really is at the at the heart of the issue here and certainly the release.

Of the hostages the other thing I think there is another piece to it that the Israelis would take exception to and that is in the proposal of the United State states that they do not uh want anybody to take territory away from God a uh even if it's just on a temporary basis to provide an extended security Zone that's something Israeli certainly.

Are doing as a result of October the 7th they recognized they have to improve security operations on their side of the Border obviously there was significant failure there and also they want to have visibility on the gazin side of the border and not have buildings right up to the border so they want to remove some of those so that their military.

Forces were able to see on the other side of the Border in case there's another approach in terms of a re attack so there are some issues there that the Israelis will not like but look at the what the Israelis are doing I me the fact that they're saying they're going to begin this assault on 10 March Maria the beginning of ramanan and and.

Obviously announcing that they really want to force uh negotiations here and get the hostages back that I believe is the leverage they're using by the threat of an attack yeah I I think that's a great point and that's what we all want we want those hostages released but it strikes me that the US is trying to get Israel to change its stance to do a.

Ceasefire even as the hooti rebels are attacking us every day Okay and like the media completely ignores the fact that the hooes have been attacking uh our troops uh in the Middle East now since October 17th and yet you have a CNN reporter here appearing to try to shift the blame onto House Republicans for Alexi naval's death for uh not sending.

Money to Ukraine yet watch this Mr President would you go as far as to say that ele is on the hands of House Republicans right now I wouldn't use that term they're making a big mistake not responding naval's wife is saying said yesterday that Russian President Putin killed her husband she vows to continue.

His anti-corruption work General your thoughts on this and how now suddenly uh the Democrats are trying to shift the blame onto Republicans because of this stalemate over Aid yeah I don't think that has anything to do with Nani's death I mean frankly the upcoming election in March uh that involves obviously Putin.

Being extended for another six years likely has more to do it than anything else and this is a pattern of behavior of Putin I mean he's gotten rid of every opposition leader he has and and I actually believe uh that what's really taking place here it something reveals Maria Putin's insecurity and paranoia he fears opposition from the people that's.

Why he doesn't want a charismatic leader like noani out there doing what he had done in the past he had sort of a magnetic force on the population when he started to expose the corruption that's widespread inside the Russian government and extravagant lifestyle that P Putin was was leading himself I I think the actual punishment for Putin here more.

Than anything else is to stop him in Ukraine defeat this second mobilization of forces that he's put together destroy that military force he's now spending as a percentage of GDP 9% of his budget which is getting close to what they did uh during World War II wow he's on a Warf footing economy at the sacrifice of his own people so if we force Putin to.

Humiliate him and lose that war in front of his own people and then after all the sacrifice and the suffering that they're going through and they have nothing to show for it and Russia loses the War I can't imagine anything more than that that would put pressure on Putin that is the best answer here yeah stop Putin and punish him for what he's done s similar.

Story playing out in China uh because xiin ping also worried about the people and about the potential for you know upset there China's foreign minister told his Ukrainian counterpart at the Munich security conference last weekend that Beijing is not selling lethal weapons to Russia he claimed that it did not sell weapons to quote conflict areas.

Or conflict parties General I think we know otherwise and we know that China has been supporting Russia um along with Iran your thoughts yeah my sources told me a couple of weeks ago that China's support for Russia has exceeded their expectations based on recent reports that are now in a general sense out in the media.

Obviously our congressmen on the Intel committees and others have access to what they're doing from what I understand generally speaking they're not providing the weapon itself but they're providing all the pieces and parts and everything that supports the development of weapon systems in there and they're certainly buying up all the.

Oil and gas that they can to support Putin economy and we know full well the sanctions haven't taken anywhere near the effect that people thought they would so here here we are here and I think it's a right move to make the EU has already stated they fully intend the sanction China for the support they're providing to Russia the United States.

Has got to get on board it looks like we're moving that direction good policy here let's get on with it the fact is that China can be punished here and get their attention given the doldrums of their economy and the serious implications it's having as they're trying to go forward they don't want any more pressure on that economy and this.

Will put some additional pressure we'll pay a price for it certainly and that's one of the reasons why we've held back likely in the past because of the interdependence we have on each other's economy but this is the right move Maria all right we'll be watching that of course General always a pleasure thanks so much for weighing in on all of that.

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3 thoughts on “U.S. will ‘absolutely’ pay a designate for this, Gen. Keane says

  1. Us is doing impossible steps! Now Egypt preparing for refugees from Rafah – does the US to end it? Israel desires to buy the struggle and guarantee its safety for future. The US must always soundless factual handle still and no longer interfere. It is healthier than taking facets in various nation's destiny. Specially the most gripping one. If the US must interfere – they have Hamas who’s out of administration, unhealthy, lying and dishonest when doable, disregarding tips and proper accountability etc etc. They even held hostages whereas torturing them…. must always soundless no longer the US dictate them in its build? How tedious and incompetent the US modified into? The arena at pain of rating as a lot as them…at pain of.

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