U-TURN?: Biden admin throws electrical automobile mandate in reverse


U-TURN?: Biden admin throws electrical automobile mandate in reverse

The Biden Administration is throwing their electric vehicle mandate into reverse due to election year pressures remember when this was team Biden's favorite tune first crack at the new and different jobs for electric vehicle this sucker quick it dve the future is electric moving toward it at lightning.

Speed thousands of union workers here and across the country are building the vehicles of the future the batteries that will power them and the Chargers that will support them not so fast mayor Pete under pressure from the United Auto Workers Union who withheld their endorsement of Biden until he caved on this the Biden Administration is set to.

Slow their electric car mandate for manufacturers the New York Times reporting the change comes as President Biden faces intense cross winds as he runs for re-election while trying to confront climate change he's aiming to cut carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline powered vehicles at the same time Mr Biden needs cooperation from the.

Auto industry and political support from unionized Auto Workers now Jason even with all the tax incentives sales of electric vehicles are down 10% even in California how is it possible to mandate that 67% of all cars sold in the US will be electric vehicles by 2030 how's it possible it's not possible Raymond I.

Mean the the the mandates are just untenable there's no possible way you can get there you don't have the infrastructure in this country now remember Biden pushed the so-called American Rescue plan which had $350 billion run by who one of the brother of one of the biggest lobbyists Mr podesta they're in Washington DC who knows where.

That funny money is going and what they're doing but to build out the infrastructure oh and by the way it's cold outside and those batteries don't work so so well so you know there's that which people are learning and look they they say they have currently 170 2,000 charging stations they need 2 million to to to reach demand Tommy the Biden.

Administration has already spent 8 billion of our dollars at last count on electric city buses to replace the current Fleet there's only one little problem in Kansas Connecticut and Pennsylvania the buses have burst into flames or they simply don't work Philly sheld most of their electric Fleet and the national highway traffic safety.

Administration issued a recall why is Biden so committed to spending funds on these vehicles that don't work and that nobody wants apparently the big green lobby is alive and well as Jason alluded to so that's why you're seeing this but people simply don't want electric vehicles they don't want to ride on an electric bus they don't want to drive an.

Electric vehicle they don't want to charge a vehicle they don't want to worry in the middle of a snowstorm if they're going to be stuck somewhere and let's also talk about Rural America what are you going to do if you come from a state like South Dakota and you want to get to the other side of South Dakota you know how many charging stations we.

Have in South Dakota can probably count them on this hand my friend people don't want these vehicles they're corny they're dorky they don't work bid Administration a nutshell right there corny dorky doesn't work I love that okay part of the Biden backtrack Anita uh is that Trump has been telling Auto Workers that all these EVS are going to.

Eventually be made in China he's courting them even at his rallies here's one from last night watch this we got your back the Auto Workers are going to support this guy like we did in 16 20 we're going to do it again in 24 everybody's going to get out and vote we're going to vote 85 million of us are going to vote for this guy they can't.

Cheat enough to beat them Anita can Trump peel off these Auto Workers despite the Biden indorsement from their Union well first of all if you can find a charging station it takes a couple hours to charge the cards want to say that but sure why not I mean these are it's his base these are the blue collar workers that he connects with of course.

They can just because the Union uh hierarchy puts out this endorsement the the workers can vote any way they want yeah so we'll see what happen you see the connections Donald Trump is making with black America with with work the working Americans we'll keep our eyes on this hey Sean Hann here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page.

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