‘Unhealthy’: RFK Jr.’s hyperlink to Trump EXPOSED


'Unhealthy': RFK Jr.'s hyperlink to Trump EXPOSED

With RFK Jr gaining grounds in this election and with fewer and fewer people consuming media that doesn't align with their political beliefs I thought it would be important to get answers from RFK Jr himself on some issues that are especially important ahead of this next election and the most important issue as it relates to Kennedy is this prevailing.

Notion that he's acting as a spoiler in this campaign on Trump's behalf in fact they share the exact same major donor a guy named Timothy melon here's what happened when I press Kennedy on the fact that melon has donated $25 million to both his and Trump's campaigns one of your top donors is Timothy melon who was Trump's top donor in 2020 he's given $25.

Million to a Super PAC supporting you and he's given $25 million to a trump Affiliated Super PAC which certainly does give the appearance that Trump's donors want you on the ballot to serve as a spoiler candidate on his behalf so what's your relationship to Timothy melon and why is he infusing your campaign with so much money you know we.

Get you know I said this at the beginning of the campaign Brian and I want to run it campaign that appeals to both sides I want to run a campaign that makes Republicans forget their Republicans and Democrats forget their Democrats and everybody remember that they're Americans oh I'm getting money from Democrats Republicans I.

Welcome money from people who support president Trump I have people on our staff who came from the Trump campaign I have people our I understand all of that but if he if he's giving money if he's giving money at the same time $25 million is no small sum uh if he's giving $25 million to Trump and to you and this is a trump aligned donor and.

He's your biggest donor to to Super packs right now do you do you have any relationship with this person do you know why he's giving you this massive amount of money because clearly this is throwing his support behind you if he's also supporting Trump at the same time you would have to ask Timothy melon that with the super pack I'm not allowed to.

Coordinate at all with the super pack but I'm you have a relationship with him with Tim Mellon I've met Tim Mellon twice okay and that and that was enough to that there's there's no other inclination as to why he's donating I welcome money from everybody I I don't think that listen I'm more you can you.

Can understand how you can understand how I'm not sure what you're getting at but president Trump I'm running against President Trump I you know what I have been a huge critic of President Trump's I think he was a terrible president I think he gave us the lockdowns I think he shifted or trillion dollars into the you know this new oligarchy of super.

Rich billionaires I think he ran up the debt higher than any president in history he presided over a chronic disease epidemic he promised to get us out of the wars and he has you know he brought John Bolton to who's the the center of the war machine to run the NSA he was a terrible president I'm running against.

Them so I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at but I I think I think the point is I think the point is obvious just from a Layman's perspective if you have a trump donor who's also propping up the Super PAC affiliated with you that it would suggest that that person wants you on the ballot because he would perceive it as deriving benefit.

For Donald Trump well that's what you say I don't think that is obvious and look Kendy will try and convince you that melon is only donating to him in a break last scenario in case Trump loses but does anyone actually believe that do you know anyone who would drop $25 million on an insurance policy in the form of a can't win third party.

Candidacy me neither we reached out to Timothy melon for comment and didn't immediately hear back I also pressed Kennedy on his everchanging position on abortion when you say that there are a huge amount of abortions that would necessitate some federal intervention where is the proof of that well I you know I would have to.

Look at the data again and which I'm happy to do um but the data that we were shown was that there were were a large number of abortions that were elective in the end at the and at pregnancy so if there you know if there are any abortions at that point it's wrong you know it's viable child at nine months and you know let's say nine months in.

One day should you be able to abort I mean do you think you should be able to abort a perfectly healthy child and nine months but there's no evidence that women are doing that that's that's the that's the whole basis for what I'm asking when you impose Federal interventions against women who the the day to show are are.

Dealing with fetal anomalies he mother then I should beting that no government bureaucrat should be litigating that that's a decision between a woman and her doctor because these issues personal and this is an anti-abortion talking point that simply will not go away that abortion restrictions are necessary.

Because of what Kennedy himself called a tremendous amount of late term abortions but let's be clear the facts simply do not support that theory according to the CDC there are only 0.9% of women who get abortions after 21 weeks and of those abortions they're essentially all happening because of fetal anomalies and health risks to the mother and because.

Of obstacles to abortion Services posed earlier in the pregnancies and by 30 weeks the number of abortions is down to virtually zero so when RFK JR says that tremendous numbers of women are having late term abortions he is betraying the fact that he himself is little more than a right-wing spoiler in this race propping up right-wing narratives to.

Make Donald Trump's rhetoric seem more palatable to be clear it's not I then got some news from Kennedy regarding his position on vaccines in schools Donald Trump has come out and say that he wouldn't he wouldn't fund schools that that mandated certain vaccines do you agree with that decision yeah I do and he actually aligned himself with Donald.

Trump on this position as well and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate so unless you're looking to usher in a new era of measles in the United States starting with students at schools across the country then you probably want to avoid a trump or Kennedy presidency in fact on that issue.

Of the danger of vacine misinformation I didn't want to delve too deep into the lunacy that is Kennedy's vaccine stance but I did want to call him out for one real world impact of his dangerous position I do want to talk about one instance in Samoa in 2018 there were two children who died from a measles vaccine that was after a nurse incorrectly mixed.

The vaccine with a muscle relaxant so it was human error the Prime Minister then banned MMR vaccines after that your organization Children's Health defense praised him you then visited in 2019 in a trip that was arranged by an antivaxx influencer named Edwin Thomas seay you met with another antiva influencer named uh Taylor winterstein so antiva.

Sentiment spread across the island and later that year Samoa was hit with a measles outbreak that was the express result of a decline in vaccination rates I believe only 30 31% of Samoans were vaccinated at that time in the in the year leading up to 2019 there were zero cases of measles in those years in 2019 proper though there were over 5,000.

Cases and 83 deaths so do you recognize how perpetual ating vaccine skepticism or or especially propping up antiva influencers can lead to such devastating Health consequences no the best evidence first of all I had nothing to do with the with the drop off in vaccination rates in Samoa well there was the the AP did an interview me sure let me just say.

The AP did work did interview folks who were working on the Simone measel response and they said that the credibility that you gave to the antia popul the antiva forces did have an impact were people but there's plenty of data on the drop off the vaccine was banned before I.

Went to the country so the drop off that you saw did not change between the time I left the country and the time the me epidemic so that's one thing the other thing is that the deaths that occurred the best evidence shows that the the deaths that occurred from measles that year were a result of a def vaccination the people who died were.

People who got the vaccine while they had measles which you should never do in Tonga which is next door which also had a measles outbreak and where they were not given the vaccine there were no deaths oh of course the the the vaccine cartel and the public health cartel that likes to propaganda on this issue points to this and say oh the deaths occurred.

Because of a because lowered vaccination rate but there is no data that shows that there's no paper that shows that there's no science that shows that there's just propaganda and the best science indicates that the actual reasons for those deaths in Samo were a defective vaccine that was brought in from Australia and and was pulled when.

The public health authorities realized that it was killing people but that's not what the evidence says the evidence says that it was actually the evidence says that it was actually two vaccines that were mixed with a with an expired muscle relax in that again that is propaganda I want to be clear Kennedy's stance on vaccines.

Isn't some theoretical libertarian pitch it is an ideology that one could easily argue helped facilitate an outbreak that cost real lives if you transposed what happened in tiny Samoa with the number of people who would be at risk in the wake of such a policy in the US the results would be calamitous to say the least all of which is to say RFK Jr May.

Certainly benefit from a population that has grown more and more wary of both presidential nominees both Democrat and Republican but the answer here is not to empower someone who in many ways is just as dangerous if not more than Donald Trump if this election is about the kind of future that we want for this country I feel absolutely confident in saying.

That we should Empower someone who believes in science who believes in women's Reproductive Rights and who isn't being propped up by some billionaire right-wing donors pulling Shady stunts behind the scenes and there's only one candidate running who actually fits that bill before you go to see more content from MSNBC make sure to.

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3 thoughts on “‘Unhealthy’: RFK Jr.’s hyperlink to Trump EXPOSED

  1. Watch the component that Trump and his supporters don't mediate about is there are Republican children and Democrat children to transfer to the same colleges and each children will endure for his lack of understanding. That's accurate a tiresome statement essentially The Mask mandates are prolonged over the pandemic is over

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