Unsung Hero Special | Studio 5 – Could presumably moreover 1, 2024


Unsung Hero Special | Studio 5 - Could presumably moreover 1, 2024

Welcome to this studio 5 special presentation we're taking an up close look at unsung hero the film takes us inside the real life story of the smallbone family see how their faith remains strong even after losing it all hi there welcome to this special edition of Studio 5 so glad you can join us we're in our Nashville Studio this.

Week for the red carpet premiere of the film unsung hero it's the story of the small bone family if you don't recognize the name you certainly recognize the music they've given us for king and country and Rebecca St James we're sitting down with the parents and members of the cast in just a little bit but first let's begin the countdown of.

This week's top five stories in the world of uplifting entertainment here the first two at number five and possibly no surprise how can we say goodbye to everything that we know and love this is my last chance I want to do something that matters unsung hero opens at the box office at number two earning a.

Better than expected $7.8 million opening weekend however you guys feel about being here we need to pray for everything that we need it's the true story of the smallbone family as they navigate the struggles of life but Faith helps them through it's the story that gives birth to Christian Music Makers Rebecca St James and for king and.

Country you guys come here not realizing the musical talent in the family we sort of did so that there was confirmation from outside coming in so we were aware but look around you your family your faith that's what makes you rich in life at number four imaginary friend got it this is a movie that John and I have.

Been talking about for years now it's a behind the scenes first look at if the liveaction animated fantasy comedy written produced and directed by John krinski coming to a screen near you May 17th and the movie is about a little girl named bee going through an experience in her life that is troubling and as a.

Coping mechanism she starts to see every single person's imaginary friend hi all the ones that have been left behind by the kids who created them and grown up and what does she do with that superpower you could save all of us and that begins our countdown for this week as I said we are in our Nashville studio for the red carpet.

Premiere of the film unsung hero well the parents of the smallbone family David and Helen smallbone are joining us to talk about the film it is the true story of their Journey from Australia to America and it is indeed a Journey of Faith take a look Luke and I in the band we in King country we've been sharing this story.

From stage for years it's one that has continued to resonate with our listeners and audience members the story of unsung hero is a family movie it's a 9s film it's a film about a mom and her six kids with one on the way and her husband had lost everything migrating from Australia to the United.

States this is everything we have kids we need your help our family went through some very very difficult things and we want to tell that story I think because Mom and Dad posed it to us as a adventure it was that and they didn't seem scared and so we weren't scared who is the unsung hero to an 18-year-old girl it's Rebecca to a.

Father who's trying to figure out how to navigate being a husband and a dad it's David two women in marriage and motherhood it's Mom David take me back what do you remember most about navigating to America so I'm broken I'm uh shaking in my boots for 2 years when we arrived here because I was having trouble putting food on the table.

She loved me didn't criticized me and uh it made our marriage stronger she's a special one son your family they're not in the way they are the way I think your dad has the standout line of the film at at least it stands out for me I still hear it today your family is not in the way your family is the way yeah tell me.

About the moment you recognize both of you you look and say God has given us the way here they are I've been very thrilled that that statement is a standout statement of the movie I think for me I always wanted to be a wife and mom and so I was I was Liv I was living my dream like I was I was doing what I felt like God had created.

Me to do and I'm very aware too that the Bible recognizes children as a blessing from God these kids are your legacy these kids are what the World of Tomorrow is going to be these kids are you need your love and care and you need to be pointing them to Jesus but you need to be cherishing them cherish is a word we don't use very much in our.

Current Society love has become a little bit of a loose cannon word you're never really sure what I love I love this food like it's a a cherish is a whole another you know element and I think for me I'm I hope people are challenged to go home and recognize they've been entrusted with these kids who come from the hand of God and that they've got to cherish.

Him so you have children your child portrays you what's that like it's pretty funny because Joel says it's a very expensive therapy session for him dad I wrote a song thought maybe we could ask for an audition oh that's great honey let's take it one step at a.

Time I want a record deal so do I yeah well boys get in line what I do love about the story it connects for me to know that the story is connecting that gladdens my heart because our goal with for King country is loving on the Brokenhearted sharing the most wonderful message known to man to as many people as possible and it's a basically a for.

King country production the movie does that so okay there's some subtly H she was they not really playing me exactly the way I was and and she will represent that but the fact that it's connecting with people both Christians and non-christians that gladdens my heart you know here I am at score and 14 seen a lot of.

Life uh the Jesus way is a beautiful way it's so lifegiving and I'm so it's emotional for me to say this but the movie highlights that migrating around the world and taking leaps of faith and taking risks fighting for each other instead of against each other in these really dire and desperate moments and hopefully just give one small.

Example of what it looks like to rise above what an incredible conversation the film unsung hero is playing in theaters right now our unsung hero special continues are y'all from England uh Australia we're sitting down with Candace Cameron Beret she plays the real life K albreight in the film what can you tell.

Me about who she is well Kay is such a beautiful person inside and out I got to meet the real Kay on set when we were filming the movie and she really did have a wonderful influence within their family at number three I give.

You that's the titled track of the just relased project from the most awarded female gospel artist CCE winens it's called more than this I think more than this is a continuation of the Holy Spirit saturating songs in such a way that when people hear them great things are happening um the.

Supernatural is taking place people are being healed people are being set free people are being encouraged people are coming to God which is the most important thing wonderful and and glorious Andy he is merciful and power who talking that's at number two Russell bran shares news in his faith Journey with his 3.9.

Million followers here on Instagram yesterday I got baptized and it was an incredible profound experience and many of you will have had your own experiences of baptism and will therefore know what I'm talking about many aspects of it were very intimate and personal the truth is this as a person that has in the past taken many.

Many substances and always been disappointed with their inability to deliver the kind of tranquility and peace and even Transcendence I always felt I've been looking for something occurred in the process of baptism that was incredible overwhelming literally overwhelming that continues our countdown we've got Just One More Story.

To share with bring that to you in just a little bit we're in our Nashville Studio this week taking a look at the film unsung hero it is the story of the smallbone family we're going to now sit down with Candace Cameron Beret she plays the role of K Albright how y'all doing are y'all from England uh Australia Australia wish I.

Had an accent when did you first become familiar with the small bone story I think we all know Rebecca St James for king and country country the lights the music the albums the hits when did you first become familiar with the small bone family you know I met Joel and Luke when I was co-hosting the view oh wow and.

They came and performed for my 40th birthday which I won't say how long ago that was it's going to be dangerous and scary it's going to be so hard that you want to go back and giving up it's not an option I probably didn't realize the story of their family growing up with seven kids coming from Australia to the.

Us having lost everything I don't think I knew that actual story until about three years ago oh wow wow you play the character K Albright which I think they're a little suspicious of of you and the your husband and how you embrace them what can you tell me about who she is well Kay is such a beautiful person.

Inside and out I got to meet the real Kay on set when we were filming the movie and she really did have a just wonderful influence within their family and was there for them with her husband and help them get back up on their feet do you think she saw something special in them the answer to that is I don't know and and Kay is the type of person.

That whether she saw something special or or not she would help them so I have to ask this is a Fluff question was it easy to adopt the country accent it it was because I I have a lot of Southern friends and I do spend a lot of time in in the South and um in the Midwest states however I didn't I didn't want to get it wrong there's so.

Many just kind of specific Di within the the southern state so I I um I have a wonderful co-star Lucas Black who is from Alabama so I was trying to match his accent as much as I could but it felt it felt a lot to me but they said that that that was what they wanted no it comes over very well so considering they're in the entertainment.

Industry and I know you and your family are as well did you relate to their Story I mean their struggles I I didn't have the same type of upbringing in terms of with my family having lost it all but but we're a family of four and even embracing the entertainment industry when I was a kid and my parents really not knowing anything about it.

They were very protective and so we took that journey together and within the parents relationship and David and Helen the mom and dad wanting to protect their children and their daughter Rebecca and her desire to be in the music industry I very much related to that with my own family but even more so I really related to Helen as a mom and in my in my.

Experiences in life um and watching the film I really felt like Helen was the unsung hero who made those tough choices to to pour into her family no matter how devastating the moments felt at the time and I feel like there's a lot of parents moms and dads that can often feel like the unsung hero because you just do so many things in life and to provide for.

Your children and be there for them and you know they don't they're not always recognized very rarely are they recognized and applauded but that's the will and fight and drive of a parent there's Redemption there's hope there's love go see unsung hero cuz it will just encourage you and Candace is not only an actress.

She's a producer and a director as well and of course we all came to love her in the series Full House we need to take a quick break right here but first before we do here's a look at your studio 5 snapshot your story and pictures this week we visit friend of Studio 5 Kathy Lee gford for a look at her latest project it's a devotional titled I want.

To matter gford shared its release this week saying it's all about finding that magic in our lives and recognizing the incredible worth each of us holds through my own stories Reflections and a little inspiration from a song near and dear to me with this snapshot We join Kathy in an invitation to you for a 60-day journey to explore what it truly.

Means to make a difference and live a life full of love purpose and no regrets and that's this week's Studio 5 snapshot still to come we hit the red carpet for the national premiere of unsung do you now look at the musicians like Rebecca and for king and country in a different way I do I do uh I think it.

When you know someone's gone through it and they've gone through trials it just gives you more I think respect for them at number one American Idol Alum returned to the state to pay tribute and remember Mandisa who was recently found dead in.

Her home one of the things I've learned throughout this journey is community is so important to God it's what he created us for and so I'm hoping it's going to spark conversations with other people that is how to celebrate Manda good to see you guys see come on and Colton that song is so special in so many ways yeah I think that song sums up.

Of her life um I think she came in praising I think she left praising um so we uh we're going to miss her but our loss is Heaven's game so and that is the number one story in our countdown this week welcome back to Studio 5 coming to you this week from Nashville Tennessee where here for the.

Red carpet premiere of the film unsung hero so let's hit the carpet together hey how are you well how are you nice to meet you pleasure to meet you to see you you too you too what has this story meant the work that you've been doing to bring it to screen what does it meant I'll say this I've seen it.

Countless times literally and um I think something I'm still moved by is just the miraculous elements that it captures what's it like to see you as your father on the big screen I was a little concerned I told him this a while ago when we had said Joel's going to play dad I was a little concerned because I wanted to wanted to.

Make sure that I didn't see my brother anymore I wanted to see my dad you're such a big part of this this story your family Story coming to screen I mean it feels very surreal to have a film made about this part of our life Liv I've told this story for decades about how we came to the us and we very close to the poverty line and had nothing no.

Furniture in our house no income and and God met us we prayed and we saw him do Miracles so to see it on the big screen is just wild so which character you play uh I played Ben smallbone tell me what it was like uh to bring this family story to screen for you um it was an amazing experience and the thing I love most about bringing the family.

Experience together was that it was it was like so easy because it was like we were basically living the story like even on set cuz we were all like such a big family and I loved it it was amazing I was able to initially write it in my head and then drop into it in my hot bite and acting it it was a very powerful experience I'm.

So unbelievably humbled to be a part of it but I think more than anything I'm just so excited that the world is going to get a chance to see this film and to celebrate the beauty of family the resilience of family it's such a powerful story and about Community you know it's a story about many things moms migration but also Miracles a lot of.

Miracles that happened in the small B's life to help them persevere and keep going and I I I watch those and I'm still just deeply moved after all these doings obviously their story is a is a sad story the fact that they basically lost everything and then came here and rebuilt and gained everything that's a powerful story we had some frightful.

Moments on set as to whether or not Luke in producing it whether or not we could pull it off and uh in the edit again trying to trying to get the the story and the feeling of of Dad right and and honor him but also not glorify like he was working through a lot during that time who's the unsung hero in your personal stories well probably probably.

Our mothers too unsung hero in my story I got to get props to my dad you like Christian movies have a reputation of being sort of messy or like not high quality and we're seeing an explosion in truly high quality films that have a message of faith I think it's really gonna bring some some beauty and healing and hopefully conversations to families.

All over it felt like very close to home and I think it will feel very close to home for a lot of people people are finding this film very encouraging in the areas of Faith and family rebe backa St James for King country their relatives their brother and sister and uh this one is just a story that tells the story of Hope.

That's the premiere and again unsung hero is playing right now at a theater near you it is certainly worth checking out and welcome back to Studio 5 from our studios in Nashville Tennessee this week as we take a look at the film unsung hero it stars the story of for king and country and the small bone.

Family so naturally as music plays a big part of this show every single week the song checking in is what's playing in my ear this week that is from for king and country it still feels like yesterday I even call him back wishing he'd pick up again I got a lot more to say these days than I did back then hey that is me.

checking I'm just Che it in checking in what an awesome tune on that musical note we are just about out of time for this week's edition of Studio 5 so let's take a moment fast forward and look into to see what's coming up next week there be no.

Change it's a special Studio 5 Mother's Day Edition and we're talking with several mothers including wet along with Helen smallbone and Tasha Leighton we're bringing an RV so that we can bring our kids on tour and so uh we have been learning all the things about RV life and you know what hoses go to.

What you don't want to mess those up you know what I mean but it's fun and we've had memories and there's no greater you know privilege to be able to do it with your family together and I don't have any mom guilt cuz I don't leave them at home we hope you'll join us for that show and so much more come next week as.

For this week's show we've got time for just one more thing we're going to give the final word to David and Helen Smallville whatever your dream is why not you can jam my dream is to be like him it always has been Helen I had the chance to speak to Candace camon ber who plays a role in the film and one of the.

Things she said about the title of the film is she felt like you were the unsung hero in this story she is she's my un hero in some ways I suppose um I do know that moms are the unsung heroes and I do know that being a mom is the hardest most influential uh most person changing role there is I mean you're impacting those.

Kids' lives you're impacting the home the home is the foundation of society um and so I see that The Hand That Rocks the Cradle changes the world and so I think all moms are unsung heroes even though it's called unsung hero even though um yeah I probably am the glue that holds the family together I feel like this movie speaks to family no.

Character has ever really spoken to me on this level ever before the film is a love letter to Motherhood and mothers what a great word from two very special people that is going to do it for this edition of Studio 5 and for this week's look at uplifting entertainment until next time make time to uplip someone around you and then.

Please come on back and see where Studio 5 takes you next week bye-bye thank you for watching

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3 thoughts on “Unsung Hero Special | Studio 5 – Could presumably moreover 1, 2024

  1. In the event you haven't heard, well–I live in Atlanta where Mandisa's funeral provider took spot. Her father obtained up and suggested all people that he had heard the entire hypothesis about how she died–so many rumors had been working amok. But he acknowledged the real fact is Mandisa had laundry piled up around the foot of her bed and her cell phone became on a nightstand on the opposite wall and when she tried dashing to get to the cell phone, her feet obtained knotted up in the laundry and she fell and her head struck the nightstand. That head rupture is what killed her.

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