US Officials COVER For Israel After Strike Kills 7 Abet Workers


US Officials COVER For Israel After Strike Kills 7 Abet Workers

Following news that the IDF carried outthree separate air strikes back to back, which killed seven humanitarianaid workers from various countries, Benjamin Netanyahu came out and madeexcuses for the deadly drone strikes, and unfortunately, the United Statesgovernment has provided cover for Israel. So before we get to the US governmentand their reaction, I want to talk a little bit about the victims here. So the victims includedone Australian woman who's a long time humanitarian aid workerby the name of Lal Zami Zami Frankcom, three British nationals, a Polish manby the name of Damian Sobel, and an.

American Canadian dual citizen citizen. A Palestinian driver from Rafahwas also killed in the drone strikes. Now in response to this, BenjaminNetanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, came out and took ownership,saying that this happens in wartime. Does it does it happen in wartime? – It does.- If you're the leader. Do you target humanity? A humanitarian aid convoyin war and just slaughter them? Okay, well, he also continues to saywe are thoroughly looking into it,.

Are in contact with the governmentsand will do everything to ensure it does not happen again. Total lie. That is a lie. Because this has happened.This has happened multiple times. This time it's really, really standing outconsidering the fact that these are international humanitarian aid workers. And so Israel and the way it hascarried out this war on Gaza has essentially alienated Israelin the international community. This kind of this kind of situation thatwe're talking about right now will further.

Alienate Israel from the global community,which is why the Israelis, who have taken to the streets to demand the ousterof Benjamin Netanyahu and his far right government, are doing the right thing. He has been incredibly counterproductiveto Israel and the people there. Now, let's talk about, the reaction fromJohn Kirby, who held a press conference today and was asked about the intentionsof the IDF and carrying out these three drone strikes back to back, which killedeveryone in that humanitarian aid convoy. Let's watch what he had to say. Is firing a missile at people deliveringfood and killing them not a violation.

Of international humanitarian law? Well, the Israelis have already admittedthat this was a mistake that they made. They're doing investigation.They'll get to the bottom of this. Let's not get ahead of that. Your your question presumesat this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactlywhat they were hitting, that they were hitting aid workers and did it on purpose. And there's no evidence of that. I would also remind you, sir,that we continue.

To look at incidents as they occur. The State Departmenthas a process in place. And to date, as you and I are speaking,they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violatedinternational humanitarian law. And lest you think we don't take itseriously, I can assure you that we do. We look at this in real time. They have never violatedinternational humanitarian law, ever, in the past 5 to 6 months. I'm telling you, the State Departmenthas looked at incidents in the past.

And has yet to determinethat any of those incidents violate international humanitarian law. Well, our State Departmentlacks any and all credibility. The Israeli government has admitted,and this is based on reporting by an Israeli publication, Haaretz,that they knew the coordinates of the humanitarian aid convoy and that theyintentionally struck the humanitarian aid convoy because they suspected that theconvoy may have had one armed terrorist. There has been no evidence of that. It was just based on a suspicion,and they had no problem carrying out three.

Separate drone strikes back to back thatslaughtered seven innocent people as they were attempting to deliver food in Gaza. Jake. So let's be clear, John Kirby's obituary,hopefully many, many years from now, should start with John Kirby helpedto commit a genocide, helped to murder tens of thousands of Palestinians,and covered up the war crimes on behalf of Benjamin Netanyahu. He's a genocide denier.He's a genocide aider and abettor. He's a terrible, immoral human being,as is his boss, Joe Biden.

I don't ever, ever want to hear anyonetelling me Joe Biden is such a sweet, empathetic man. Agreed. No, he's empathetic to peoplethat are in the room. And who's in the room? Apex in the room. Raytheon's in the room.ExxonMobil is in the room. Every donor and lobbyist is in the room,and he is has overwhelming empathy for them as long as they bring a check for his corrupt, disgusting, vile, office,.

Let's put it that way. Yeah. And but if you're a Palestinian,he has nothing but contempt for you, and he finances your genocide. So right now, John Kirby,with that outrageous. I mean, of all the things now,you know how Ronna McDaniel, everybody ran her out of townbecause, oh, I can't believe she supported the big lie of of, the 2020 election. True. Okay, I agree with that.

– How about this big lie?- Well this big. Lies, okay?When liberal media provides cover for it. Let's keep it real, Jake. Overall, in terms of mainstream media,there is absolutely a pro-democrat bias where you can literally have John Kirbylie to the American people with a straight face about how there'sno war crimes committed by Israel, when we all know they are that there are. We have seen them, we have covered them. The international communityis in agreement about the war crimes.

That are being committed. But no, John Kirby is a respectfulhuman being, whereas, you know the liars on the right wing. Well, we we shouldn't, you know,at all give them any fairness, any credit. It's look, this is the reasonwhy there is distrust toward the media. This is the reason why, you know,Trump supporters will not trust anything coming out of the CNN's of the world,the cable news outlets of the world, and the New York Times, Washington Post. If they're not being fair,they're just not fair.

They will provide cover for Kirby,for sure. So you are 100% right. And let me doubledown on in a couple of ways. Number one, imagine nowif that was Trump's spokesperson, Pentagon spokesperson Mm.hmm.And it wasn't Israel, it was Russia. And Russia had just killed32,000 people in Ukraine, 23,000 of them women and children. Russia said, yeah, we targeted the aidworkers on purpose because we thought there was a Ukrainian terrorist on board.

And so we murdered them all.Oh, by the way, we target ambulances. We've destroyed every hospitalin in Ukraine area that we control. We've murdered 99 journalists,more than any other conflict since we started tracking it in 1992. We've done all of these things. But the Trump administration saysthey haven't committed a single war crime. Well, everyone in mediawould laugh them out of the building and they would say the big lie and outrageous. And Donald Trump is owned by the Russians.

And that the Russians completelycontrol him because of money. ET cetera. ET cetera. You know, with absolute certainty,even if you're the most hardcore Democrat that they would say that.Absolutely. But you switch it to Biden and Israeland all of a sudden, barely a peep. 100%. Now, I do want to give some ofthe journalists at that presser with Kirby some credit because they did ask somegood questions, including whether the Biden administration would ever reconsiderproviding weaponry to Israel as they continue carrying out theslaughter of innocent civilians, reporters.

And, yes, even humanitarian aid workers. Let's watch. How can the US can continueto send military aid, military assistance, without any conditions? Is there no red line that,you know, we've had this. We've had this discussion,you and me, quite a bit from up here. They're still undera viable threat of Hamas. We're still going to make surethat they can defend themselves. And the 7th of Octoberdoesn't happen again.

That doesn't mean that it's a free passthat that we that we look the other way when something like this happens or thatwe aren't and haven't since the beginning of the conflict, urged the Israelis to bemore precise, to be more careful, and quite frankly, to, increase the the amountof humanitarian assistance that gets in. You know, we haven't been askedabout it yet, but I expect that I would be, you know,there was a discussion just yesterday with our Israeli counterparts about Rafah. Now, this one was done virtually. We expect it will be an in-personmeeting here and, in a week's time or so.

But the whole reason to have that meetingwas to talk about our concerns over a major ground operation in Rafahand to present viable alternatives for them to be more precise and more targeted. You know, Jake, the other thingthat really stands out to me about this current leadership we'reexperiencing here in the United States is how much the Biden administrationseems to love posting their elves. Right. In this case, you know, we wagged ourfinger at Netanyahu and said, don't be a bad boy and don't do this and that.

Don't invade Rafa. And then Netanyahu, without fail,goes on television and says, we're going to invade Rafa f off. And, you know, that's embarrassingto the American people, okay, this is not strong leadership. It's embarrassing. And do you know what Kirby and Biden didafter Netanyahu slapped him across the face? They said, here's a free $2.5 billion giftcourtesy of the American taxpayer.

Please murder more Palestinians. Yep. Exactly. And then they said, and by the way,we'll then sell you an extra $18 billion, including 50 F-35s, 2,000 pound bombs,so you can murder, murder, murder, murder, more Palestinians. And by the way, why are they doing this? So you can get your feelings hurtand you can call me any name in the book. You like AIPAC? AIPAC says they're going to spend$100 million in the next election,.

And whoever kisses their ass more and intheir case, yes, they're theoretically getting money from American citizens. I would love to have that investigated. No one will ever investigate AIPACin terms of, are they really getting it from American citizens,or is it foreign citizens that are also funneling and money? I don't know, I legitimately don't know.Okay. But let's assume there areAmerican citizens, but they say we are American citizens that care about Israel,and we want America to serve Israel.

You ought to do whatever Israel says. I don't care if it's a left winggovernment or a right wing government. Shut up and do as you're told. And Joe Biden and John Kirbyand almost every other politician in Washington says, yes, sir. Thank you sir. Absolutely, sir. And they bow their head. If you're going to claim that AIPACand the $100 million that they're spending is not relevant to the politicians,please say it out loud.

I'll debate any prominent figureon the left, right or in the middle. Who wants to make the lunatic argument? I would love to have you on camera, onair, make the mentally deranged argument that politicians don't careabout the millions of dollars that they're getting from AIPACor AIPAC might spend against them. Go ahead. I dare you say it with a straight face tothe American people lose all credibility. It isn't about just it's definitelynot about AIPAC being Jewish. It's about AIPAC being lobbyists.

The same goes true for Raytheon,ExxonMobil and Pfizer. Okay. It's important to really differentiatethe notion of a Jewish lobby, which AIPAC is not, with a pro-Israel lobby. AIPAC is a pro-Israel lobby. In fact, many of the funders to AIPACare evangelical Christians. So this is not about Jewish people at all.Okay, yeah. And it's in the name theyhave Israel in the name. They another group that's associatedwith them, democratic majority for Israel.

They say, we are giving you moneyor we're going to spend tons of money against your opponent as long as you doas your goddamn told and serve Israel. It's true of any country they could get. Just get American citizensthat are aligned. And they do. They just don't have quite the same amountof power as accumulated over the years, as a lot of other lobbieshave accumulated power. But yes, Joe Biden doesn't mind. Israel, in fact, aids abets finances,the murder of tens of thousands.

Of Palestinians because he gets paid to. So that's a fact. Your pretty little heartcan break over it. You can call me dirty names. It doesn't change the factthat not only is that an obvious fact, everyone in America agrees with me, somaybe everybody in Washington agrees with you and you could feel great about that. And yes, you have power and we don't.Right. But it doesn't makewhat you're doing right.

It makes you morally reprehensible. I don't want the John Kirby'sand the and the Joe Biden's of the world to ever darken my doorstep. They are evil, deeply immoral characters. And history will writethat they gleefully funded a genocide and then covered up the crime. Thanks for watching The Young Turksreally appreciate it. Another way to show supportis through YouTube memberships. You'll get to interact with us more.There's live chat emojis, badges.

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