US response ‘could well simply unexcited deter Iran from supporting its proxies’: Gain. | NewsNation Now


US response 'could well simply unexcited deter Iran from supporting its proxies': Gain. | NewsNation Now

Us live now sir thank you for coming on um as Robert says we're waiting for this response which we were told by the president has been decided upon we don't know if it's been carried out yet or what it will look like what would you say about what the response should look like from the United States against Iran and its proxies well what it should look.

It should help deter Iran from supporting its proxies and attacking US troops and you know we have had over 170 attacks since the middle of October there were attacks before that as well well you we need to make sure that specifically the militia that was responsible for this attack pays a heavy price so that it discourages other.

Militias in terms of taking out their key leaders and taking out their weapon systems I also think we need to be honest with Iran that as this continues as it is their weapons and to some degree their at least passive acceptance of these attacks amongst by their proxies The Targets in Iran are not off the table these drones are coming from.

Iran you know one possible Target is is to go after the factories where these drones are being made Iran is complicit in these attacks and if they don't want to be held responsible for them then they can tell their militias that that they basically Supply in more or less control to stop those attacks speaking of militias just as we were getting.

Ready for the show today a headline came from sencom sencom forces strike and destroy a houy surface to air missile that was being prepared for launch so we see more and more of this even up to the minutes there's the the statement coming out of us Central command the head of the Revolutionary guard of Iran as I mentioned right at the top of the show.

Said quote we're not you know the quote was we're not looking for war but as Robert Sherman rightly pointed out they they've also said some other things I put up a statement from the um Iran's ambassador to the UN saying that the Islamic Republic would decisively respond to any attack on the country its interests and Nationals under any.

Pretext so you look at it that way it does look like Iran is ready you said something interesting a moment ago that we should be ready to strike inside of Iran possibly that's been a point of contention can you talk more about that sure well look if Iran isn't looking for war they need to stop shooting missiles.

At us targets but also at International targets which is what the houthis are doing right now it's not just the US they are disrupting shipping all across the world if you're not looking for war you don't shoot at people so Iran needs to stop doing that going forward and look I don't want to strike inside of Iran I want Iran to stop promoting these.

Mil and stop promoting their efforts to attack US forces look the US forces that are in Iraq and Syria do not threaten Iran they are there to try to stop Isis and by the way there are still tens of thousands of Isis prisoners in jails in Syria that we need to make sure stay there and we protect that region Isis.

Attacked Iran yeah so Iran attacking US forces is contrary to their interests and we need to make them stop now part of this sorry for the long answer is what's going on in Gaza we also need to work with Israel to make sure that there is some future for the Palestinian people I understand Israel's justifiable need to degrade hamas's strength but.

Prime minister Netanyahu running around saying there will never be a Palestinian State and doing all the work possible to undermine the ability of the Palestinian people to have any kind of future undermines our ability to get to a peaceful resolution and it strengthens Iran there has to be some sort of future for the Palestinian people or prime.

Minister Netanyahu is simply driving them into the arms of Hezbollah and Hamas the other way the other way it seems to me Congressman that the um that the war in Gaza is related to all of this is that we have these talks of Hostage talks or peace talks or however you want to characterize them underway as we in the.

United States or are considering how to respond um to the attacks against our forces how might that complic things or does it not have any uh impact on things in other words could you blow up these talks if you if you're if you do too much well everything over there complicates everything else you never give the answer and say Ah that's got.

Nothing to do with it I mean you can make the argument that the attacks that Iran is launching against us are are un unrelated to to those specific talks but you don't know how different actors in This are are going to play out and look the peaceful path that we need to get to is where we were with one exception uh before October 7th which is the Arab.

World working with Israel and the US to form a coalition to deter Iranian aggression now the one thing that was missing before that was a future for the Palestinians and look Benjamin Netanyahu bet that he could get the Arabs to come along with him and ignore the Palestinians that their fear of Iran would be so great U that he could.

Basically Annex the West Bank and he could get away with it that bet was always stupid and wrong and placed Israel at greater risk as was absolutely proven on October 7th now more than ever he needs to recalculate and understand there has to be a future for the Palestinian people if we're going to get to that very positive alliance between.

Israel and Saudi Arabia and UAE and Egypt and Bahrain and the US they could really put us in a better position to deter Iran you can't ignore what's going on uh in the West Bank in Gaza in that calculation thanks so much for watching just go to join to find newsnation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red.

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