US warns of ‘severe dangers’ if Iran crosses this line


US warns of 'severe dangers' if Iran crosses this line

The White House is warning Iran of serious risks if it launches any major attacks on Israel Lieutenant General Keith Kellog joining me now General do you still think we should go on offense against Iran and hit them hi Stuart thanks for having me well the first thing we ought to do is actually diplomatically go on offense.

And having an unnamed adviser in the Wall Street Journal say don't do this means nothing to our adversaries it doesn't send a message at all you know when when you look at preventing a war you have to have deterrence and deterrence is based on credibility and the two underpinnings of credibility are capability which we do have in the.

Middle East with the carer battle group The TR and also the WASP amphibious ready group but it's also political will and we have shown no political will to actually get involved with this in a very hard way the Israelis have and they have shown that there're without fear to go deep into Iran going against the hoodies go against Hezbollah go against.

Hamas you know steuart it's been n days since that attack into Iran which killed hania the leader of Hamas and even the president the new president of Iran uh P I'm sorry pishon has said to the Supreme Leader don't do this so you don't know where they're going to go and I think they're a little bit concerned where the Israelis going to go and and I think our.

Threats ring Hollow what they're afraid of they the Iranians are afraid what kind of response the Israelis will have and I think that's good you have to have a strong deterrence they have shown that we're kind of sing standing back and making sure something bad doesn't happen look here's the the tell and where I come from we recently had Americans.

Killed uh in in the nine October event in Israel there are still five American hostages we haven't done anything and just recently we had Americans wounded when when pro-iranian militia attacked our allad airbase and wounded three Americans not only we not do anything we didn't say anything and that's a that's a real deter when I read.

Things like this in the uh in in the uh in the Wall Street Journal I just kind of say yep okay seen this play before doesn't make any sense okay uh change the theater fighting inside Russia continues for a third day Ukrainian troops stormed into KK I believe that's part of Russia and Ukrainian troops are right there now is this a turning point.

In Ukraine yeah you know this is really interesting to watch to because what the ukrainians did is they re they achieved operational surprise C the kurur province is a little bit to the west of where the major fighting is occurring and there's really no depth of Russian forces there what that has done is that.

Has put the Russians on their back foot they're going to have to shift forces and move forces the big question is what are they doing if it was a limited raid you know 5 kilm 10 kilometers that's different they have gone deep so are they going in there to to hold on to territory it's sort of a quid proquote you've got Ukrainian territory we're not.

Going to hold Russian territory it's a really gutty move and we're going to have to see how the Russians respond to it but it's really clear to me the ukrainians have done something they haven't done in the last few months they actually attacked into a weak spot into Russia that was really unprotected and have taken a lot of guts to do it and.

I'm I'm told they used uh Russia American and German equipment to get inside Russia that's accurate so they they needed our support our weapons to get into Russia and surprise them right well well yeah they they've used the M1A t two tanks we've given them they've taken the Bradley Fighting Vehicles they've taken the layup her tanks that.

The Germans have given and they push forward because that's really good equipment but it also shows a will to do something that the Russians didn't expect it put them on their back foot so what are the Russians going to do now that's the next question how will the Russians react to this incursion I'll tell you Stuart this is not a major a.

Minor incursion when you go 15 20 25 miles into somebody else's territory this is not what we call quote a raid this is a serious attack and so let's see what the Russians do I think it's a very good operational move by the ukrainians it's going to force the Russians to do something they it caught them totally by surprise they're going.

To have to shift forces they're going to have to fight this incursion because they may be staying there for a while or more importantly they may be going even deeper into Russia that would be a really a total strategic shot we will follow that one Keith Kell always a pleasure thanks for joining us this morning so appreciate it see you soon.

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3 thoughts on “US warns of ‘severe dangers’ if Iran crosses this line

  1. “severe dangers?”Attain you contemplate Iran could be petrified of the US??Deem again,.in case you contemplate the US could perchance perchance stand the all out battle against Iran-China-Russia.NATO is most engrossing to spook comparatively one. It is most engrossing the US which private the vitality of all allies. Assorted countries are honest nothing in case you risk Iran, attributable to Pakistan, China, Russia, shall be a half of in if the US dash even a muscle in the direction of Iran. 😂

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