Weekly Queer News – 88 | UFOs | Paranormal | Mysterious | Universe


Weekly Queer News - 88 | UFOs | Paranormal | Mysterious | Universe

Welcome to Weekly Strange News. In this show, we take a look into the news and headlines, pick out curious reports of the strange, the weird and the mysterious. Starting from UFO news, science advancements, paranormal and stuff labeled, fringe science and fringe phenomenon. Each news item we go over in the show, I will place all the links to them in the description box below once this live show is over, as well as chapters on the timeline index. Hello and welcome to all of my first time viewers and listeners, everyone catching this live and of course those catching this on a.

Replay. So James, Paul, welcome, Nicholas, Scarlett, Trucker, John, Hides, So good to see you guys. What's going on? Before we get started, please hit that like button right down below as we do three live shows right here on this channel, subscribe and hit that notification bell as well as we cover topics such as UFOs, the paranormal and things that are unexplained. So for the first article we're going to be covering is about the government and UFOs. That's when it gets juicy, convoluted, difficult and very interesting.

So I'm going to share my screen here because this one you really want to listen to in detail and it's actually so intriguing that I'm reading it directly from the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General website, a government website that was published January 25th. So here it is because Inspector General Robert P. Storch, this guy that we're looking at right here announced January 25th that the DOD OIG, which is the Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, released an unclassified summary of the previously issued classified report, evaluation of the DOD's actions regarding unidentified anomalous phenomenon that was released to his little cabinet of people back in August of 2023.

So here today we're hearing about this six months later. This has never made the news until rather recently. So what is this report saying? So the report reviewed the extent to which the DOD military services, defense agencies and military department, counterintelligence organizations took intelligence, counterintelligence and force protection actions to detect report, collect, analyze and identify unidentified anomalous, phenomena, aka, UAP, then it says here, which is a quote by the Inspector General stating, given the significant public interest in how the DOD is addressing UAPs, we are releasing this unclassified summary to be as transparent as possible with the American people about.

Our oversight work on this important issue. Hold on to that little paragraph because you're going to see the irony just a little bit later. Then it continues on the same website. It says, as the unclassified summary explains, the DOD-O-I-G found that the DOD does not have a comprehensive coordinated approach to address UAP. For example, the DOD-O-I-G determines that DOD components developed varying processes to collect, analyze and identify UAP instances. The DOD-O-I-G also found that the DOD's lack of comprehensive coordinated approach to.

Address UAP may pose, dun, dun, dun, a threat to military forces and national security. For instance, the DOD-O-I-G determines that the DOD has no overarching UAP policy and as a result, it lacks assurance that national security and flight safety threats to the United States from UAP have been identified and mitigated. That's the bulk of it is only one other paragraph, but what it's saying here, making that into a big, fancy word salad is, yeah, we don't really know what's going on. Point blank stop, period. That's what we're getting from this. It's like, we want to be as transparent as possible.

We're going to give you a really quick summary of a paper that we wrote back in August for you saying that our military, our government is decompart mentalized. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and because we don't have a real good protocol and how to handle UAPs that everyone can get a hold of, we don't really know what's going on. I don't know about you. I don't know about you. I ain't buying it. This has been going on since 1947, maybe even prior to that prior to Roswell, for them.

Just to come out and say, oh, I'm so sad. I don't know when is going on. Oh, you know what? No. I don't get it, but I do want a state that this is very interesting. It's interesting to get people's eyes on for even the D-O-D-O-I-G to just address this. I think in a positive way, that's pretty cool. Like we are getting somewhere. Now, if you're pessimistic, and in this case, you know, I'm feeling a little bit pessimistic.

Yeah, I still don't like it. And it's only several paragraphs on the government website, but from what I read to you, what do you think about it? I miss understanding this report that was just published January 25th, or do you think I'm in the right ballpark here? It does continue to state that to address the issues identified in this report, the D-O-D-O-I-G made 11 recommendations to the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security in coordination with the director of the all-domain anomaly resolution office, ARO, A.K.A. Dr. Kirkpatrick, the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Of Staff. For example, the D-O-D-O-I-G recommended that the D-O-D issue a policy to integrate roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures regarding UAP into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures. So they're saying, in this case, 2023, you know what, guys, if you're getting pretty wack in here, you know what we should do? We should all have a collective meeting and talk about UFOs. You are a little bit late, but if we look at the timing here, this was published in his little cabinet of people back in August 15th, 2023.

We're looking at less than a month right after the UAP hearing with grush, graves, and fravor that they gave it at the Pentagon. So I think that the timing is crucial. It's very important to look at and then for them to say, “What I just read to you, I'm smelling something kind of fishy here.” And last time I checked, I'm not making any seafood at my place. So what's that fishy smell? It's this story. But what I have to ask, and I got to know in the live chat, I got to know in the comments.

As well, what are you thinking about this? And Martha, thank you so much. And mysterious mysteries, that's a pretty sick name. It says disclosure will not come from the government. You are right. It will come from the people. But let me mention this. And I mention this pretty often when it comes to our conversations about UFOs in the government, because it's a catch-22.

It is a double-edged sword here where people will not listen to a report or a credible story if it doesn't come from a military official from a pilot or someone with like really high credentials in the government, right? Compared to your average drill, walking down the street, you have a higher chance of believing that military official than maybe your uncle Sam, for instance. Do you see what I'm saying here? Some are going to say, “Well, I don't, Christina.” All right, you're not in that category, but the majority of people are. And then the government has the biggest audience than anyone else's platform.

So they are going to influence people to feel fear, to feel inspiration, to ask questions. And so for them just to address this, for the last, I would say, year about UAP, UFOs and all this, it's a really good start. A lot of people's minds have been open since the beginning of 2023. And I'm going to say, we've got to say a little, a little thank you to the government just talking about this, arrow, the UAPTF, the A-O-I-N-S-G, when all that information was public just a few years ago, it was because of them. And will the disclosure come from the government? Will the government say, “Guys, aliens, they're here, they're chilling with us, we decide.

To contract or they're living in our White House right now?” That will never ever. And 99.99% chance that will never happen. Now I got to leave that point, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 for the extraordinary, because as Justin Bieber once said, never say never, but I believe he must say that all the time now. However, we have to have that little mindset of positivity, optimisticism, and say maybe, but no, for the most part, you're right, mysterious mysteries. So I do want to ask what you are thinking about this. Androids says, Corbell says, he knows several sub-lowers are ready to come out if government.

Won't do it themselves, aka catastrophic disclosure, aka forced disclosure. That's going to be interesting to see who they're going to bring to the table. Now there are a handful of other people that have mentioned that there will be more whistle blowers. James Fox is one of them. The person who is the creator of the public, his name is Michael and his last name escapes me, has also spoken to a handful of whistle blowers that he mentioned that will come out in the near future. 2024 does seem like a very promising year.

And there are a handful of people that are, quote, in the know that are mentioning, yeah, whistle blowers will be coming out. And was it because Grush set a foundation for more people to come forward? Or was it Louis LaZonda? Was it someone prior to that? Depends on how you see it. Depends on your perspective. But it's going, 2024 has been interesting so far. I am looking forward to see what else is in stock for us.

Thanks, toilet. Appreciate your optimism. I appreciate you for watching these shows live. You're pretty cool. All right, getting into our next one, as you let that one digest because when we talk about the government, it's always meaty, but there's nothing there, like a nothing burger. It's the irony is definitely there. But we're getting into our next one still kind of keeping our focus on the United States here because there was a survey that was done by wealth of Greeks of geeks.com.

And this is an article or a survey that has kind of made its rounds online in the last few days asking a thousand Americans, which is your, your concentrated pool of answers. And they're saying, what do you think about UFOs? What do you think about aliens? So here are some of the questions and go ahead and hit that like button or you can even raise your hand if you agree or disagree to these things. So it says here that one in three Americans think aliens are living among us in disguise and many suspect their boss according to a new survey. I feel like that's oddly specific, but you know what?.

Some bosses, they're brutal and some of them are just like, what a creepy. So the research of one thousand Americans show that 37% say they feel aliens may already be present here on earth. Raise your hand if you agree. Raise your hand if you disagree. I want to know. And from sightings of 10 foot tall aliens in Brazil, the jet pack miners to the recent refuted extraterrestrial corpses found in Peru or the tourist board of Kentucky beaming messages to space to invite aliens to visit, which I didn't cover this.

This is about, this was two weeks ago. A small town in Kentucky were beaming out these messages into space as a tourist attraction because it's so small. And I was like, it's kind of lame to cover, but for the New York Post to cover this, I'm just going to kind of give you a little background on what they meant by that. And then you have the interest and debate around alien existence. It continues to fascinate. And it has been prior to 1994 when the first quote exoplanet was discovered, which, one more looking, and I'm going to get back to this because it's been bothering me today.

Specifically because I have a few other articles talking about space exploration. And then dwelling on 90, like the early 1990s and the first exoplanet, I'm thinking, what's going on here? But we're going to get back to that particular thought in just a moment. So 41% of those pulled disagree with the notion that extraterrestrial life may be walking and talking among us with the remainder of unsure being a 22%. Now that 41% has never gone to Walmart, especially at like the middle of the night. You will find some of the oddest people there. No question, okay?.

Because no matter what part of the country you're in. And if you've never been to Walmart, go. It's a time worth remembering. So the out of this world findings, as I always say, emerged from the survey conducted by talker research on behalf of wealth of geeks.com. When asked who they feel may currently be an alien, 39% stated that their recurrent boss has a definite possibility while a third said they feel a certain celebrity may not originally be from this planet. So let me throw this question to you out of all the celebrities that you can think of in.

Your mind right now. Which one do you think kind of giz of these extraterrestrial vibes or have extraterrestrial characteristics? And do you even know any extraterrestrials to compare them to? What do they know? Because there's probably a few that I can think of that I'm thinking, “Mmm, maybe an alien, probably, and that one definitely.” But more than half of the 1000 pulled believe in the existence of aliens being 50% of 23% while a third do not being 34% and in 2023 it just seems 2023.

What in 2024 now? What the heck am I saying? In 2024 it seems that if you don't believe in extraterrestrial life and that the planet earth is the only place with intelligent life, you're in that category of just like naive at this point. Maybe a little bit ignorant. Now I hope we're to say the same thing in the 1980s, 1970s. Yes, so we would, you would know it would be in the category of the naive and ignorant. Maybe it's believing in extraterrestrial life.

But now science has been coming in strong and saying there's definitely a high possibility. Now understanding how big our universe is, how there can be multiple universes, the multiverse, maybe even parallels as well. And we're looking at all of these factors just us. It's a lame. 10 out of 10, lame. Now men are slightly more likely than women to feel aliens exist according to the results being 56% in men while 49% in women. Which I thought was an interesting statistic there.

I didn't even consider that as being a possibility. But now we know and it says only based off of a thousand Americans. Which is really a small poll. Honestly, how do they pick these people? Which is like one of those odd ads on their website, maybe they say, hey, check out your personality. Like what's your zodiac sign and your personality? Kind of that is that those kinds of polls, you see what I mean here? Or did they get an email and say you have been chosen to be a part of our statistics? I have never gotten those emails on that.

I think about it. And you know what? I feel a little upset about that. No, not really. Actually, I hate reading my emails. And so with this, where do you stand on the fence? Where are you? Do you believe in extraterrestrials? Do you think there are some celebrities that kind of give off extraterrestrial characteristics.

And/or vibes? Tell me, tell me I want to hear it. And if so, who do you think that is? I got to know. I want to read them out loud. Okay, so pass them on over. And Robert, thank you for that. It's so good to see you. Okay, let's see.

Team Believer says Jenna. Heck yeah. Mysterious mystery says those pooling strings are non-human, not celebs. Ooh, interesting. Oscar says I believe 100% extraterrestrials are here, here on planet Earth. Rome bringing in some, some, I mean, he did play Dr. Strange, okay? Benedict Cumberbatch, all right? Now you're saying chamber, can, but I only know Benedict Cumberbatch. And I feel like he had just like kind of alien kind of features, skinny, small eyes, you.

Know, kind of deal. That's just me. Mel Gibson, okay. Elon, Mark Zuckerberg. All right. Interesting ideas. I knew someone was going to say Taylor Swift. Like, I just saw that one comment. So while you're still kind of dwelling on that one, Tucker Try says go team.

Ooh, let's get those like a number one foamy fingers. Go team. Yes, we do one of those. Jeff Bezos says piece, well, someone, I thought he said Elon Musk, 'cause actually that's going to be our next topic. Jets. You can see the future. You are able to foreshadow what is coming next because we'll be mentioning Neuralink and its first human implant of the brain reader device that has been in the works for.

A very long time. Elon, Elon, Elon has not received a lot of positive feedback when it comes to Neuralink, at least when it comes to your mainstream media. Now behind the scenes with other scientists, it's a little bit, little more unknown, but when we're looking at our media aspects to this, they're saying, nope, this is an awful, horrible idea. But Elon is taking the approach that Neuralink, more than anyone, it's supposed to benefit those that have paralysis. Because they're not able to use their limbs.

Maybe they don't have limbs, but they still want to use technology. So they're going to integrate this Neuralink chip into their brain in order to act within the world like you and I do a little bit more without limbs or if you do have paralysis. At least that is the take that he is going for. Now is that the case? Technology all depends on who has their hands on it. It can be positive or negative, but that one really just depends on the person. So let's get into this one. This one is, it's interesting.

It really is. That's why we're covering it today. So the announcement of Elon Musk about Neuralink's first human implant of a brain reading device marks a significant milestone in the development of brain computer interfaces, also known as BCIs as they will be referring into it throughout this article. Because BCIs are designed to decode brain activity, enabling individuals with severe paralysis to control devices such as computers, robotic arms and wheelchairs through thought alone. While Neuralink is not the only company developing such technology, it's entry into human trials has generated both excitement and concern within the Neurotechnology research community.

But we have to ask, how was he able to even get this to be legal? He had to fight significantly with the FDA, which is the Food and Drug Administration. And then it was a very long period of time between 2022 and 2023, where they were whole heartedly against it. He had to do the research on mice and then on monkeys. And when those proved to be prevalent, for instance, there is one video that has made it turn out across social media the last year or so of a monkey playing like digital ping-pong using Neuralink. And so now it's being done with humans with our first human already in trials and according.

To Musk's Twitter post, it says that he's recovering rather well. Here it is. It says the person who wasn't identified is recovering well, Musk said on X, aka Twitter, and it says here, initial results show promising Neuron spike detection. And this is referring to the cellular cellular activity between our brain and our nervous system. If Musk wasn't going to do it, it was going to happen anyway. Someone proved me wrong, but at some point in the near future, we're going to end up being cyborgs.

We're going to so deeply integrate into technology. I would probably say within the next 25, 30, 40 year time frame, we will all have this in our minds. Now some are going to say, oh, not me, not ever, but a good chunk of people will, and it's already starting in 2024. So this was already in the human timeline with or without Musk. It was going to happen. And very specifically, now that we're seeing the just the incredibly fast development of AI in the last 18 months, okay?.

Like we have seen AI develop right in front of our eyes so rapidly compared to any other generation looking at another piece of evolving technology. And look at us, we have Alexa, we have it on our phones, we have chat GBT to like do your papers, okay? And whatever else you might use it for. Now it's already, then you have VR goggles, then you have VR reality playing those video games. Those are currently external. There are people that are like, why can't I have this all the time?.

Here's NURLINK bringing you that for you. It'll be made public, like for public, I wouldn't say consumption, but like to buy in the near future. When I'm saying near, I'm going to guess if I had to guess and I'm like not a great gastro and I don't gamble, but if I did, if I was a betting man, I wouldn't say within the next 10, 8, 8 to 10, 8 to 10 years, people will, this will be on the market, like more freely available. But I've got to ask you, what do you think? Do you think 8 to 10 years is too soon for it to be on the market?.

And I'm not asking for your aspect of fear, but I'm asking for in the aspect and your opinion of how things are going so far. Do you think it will be in the market sooner than that in five years or much later in 25, 30 years? Let's hear it. Peace in mind says, self-driving cars, we're already getting those. Those are crazy. Jess says, no assimilation for me, no thanks. Yeah, we don't want to be like the board.

No, that one's pretty spooky. Like I remember watching that whole section of Picard where he was going through that assimilation process with the board. It was scary, especially during the time it was created in film. I can only imagine how much fear probably created inside of people. Now we watch it today and we're like, that's funny, low-key reality, but back in the day, man, oh, like it's a little spooky, kind of like Terminator. Okay. It's there.

I wrote about with Bull Smith also, suddenly terrified. I'm serious says, I want an implant where I can just connect my brain to the internet. That'd be pretty cool. You think Nurell Link is going to achieve that a few, along with a few other companies as well in the near, in the very near future. Mark says, within five years, it'll be widespread. I'll be hiding in a van down by the river. You know what, fishing, living your best life, you know, actually like going out in nature. That's going to be very rare if it isn't already these days.

You'll be living the actual dream. So this article in particular has a lot more information and it also mentions here that the news come months after Nurell Link began recruiting potential human test subjects for its clinical trial. The company got the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA approval for the trial last May, saying it wanted to enlist people ages 22 and above who are living with quadripe, quadriple, triple, I'm not saying that right, but that are in paralysis. Okay, due to a spinal cord injury or dealing with ALS, the disease that robs people, the ability to control their bodies.

And if you've ever encountered someone with ALS, it's really, really, really depressing. My mom had a friend who actually passed away with ALS and it was, it came to the point where they can't even use the restroom on their own. They can't sleep on their own because they could suffocate. It's really terrible. So when you have that mentality of wanting to help people and have them not be isolated from the world, then Nurell Link and this chip could be so amazing. You can see the beauty in it. But if you use it for people's demise, then you say, “Oh, humanity is doomed.”.

That's it, bye, bye. From this perspective that Elon is going for, he's like, “I want to help people.” At least that's the narrative. Now is that true? We have to ask him. So the device aims to record the activity of individual neurons, a method that requires electrodes to penetrate the brain. And this goes into a lot more detail on the scientific aspects of it. You will be able to read it on your own time as that link will be in the description.

Box below once this live show is over. So we're going to get into our next one. We don't want to dwell on the sad and ALS here and John and Slide, I'm really sorry to hear that. It's awful. Like there is nothing good about that. So next we're talking about space, space exploration. My goodness, that picture is poopy, but we're going to go forward anyway. And this is the Europa Clipper mission.

Why am I breaking this up? Two reasons. There was recently an article written about it from space.com, but also yesterday in the show about the Chinese mysteries we did touch on the Europa Clipper mission. And I just wanted to kind of give some more information on that because it is so fascinating, especially when we're dealing with one of Jupiter's one of Jupiter's 92 moons that could potentially harbor life as it is seems to be based off of the science that we have in ocean world with miles and miles thick of ice. But once you get down there, could there be jellyfish?.

Could there be dolphins and and regular fish and who knows whatever else, right? That is why the Europa Clipper mission will be launching a little bit later this year and will be and will actually get to Europa in the 2030s. I think it's no earlier than 2030, which, you know what, I mean, that's a long time from now, but in terms of space and space exploration, that's pretty quick. Now, remember a little bit earlier, I mentioned to you the first exoplanet was found and recorded at least publicly back in the early 1990s. We've been sitting on space exploration, space news, space development for the last 30 or so years.

That's not even a person's lifetime. Could you imagine? Okay, for a moment here, you're born in the 50s or 60s, okay? And the 90s come along and before you thought, nope, there's only our planets, our solar system, and that's it. And then bam, here comes the early 1990s and then you are through all new information, but I'm going to assume here NASA and they're saying, guys, guys, you will not believe what I just found here. Oh my goodness, you are going to flip the flipie out and they're like, what's going on?.

So guys, I just found a nexo planet, a planet outside of our solar system. Therefore, we will call it a nexo planet. And now I must re-question my life's existence and et existence. Now, since 60s and 70s, we have been throwing stuff out into space, hoping to find something outside of our solar system, outside of our solar system. And then the early 90s came, nice at guys, I found the goods. And then ever since then, we are finding exoplanets every few days, every few months, either way, pretty significantly to the point where we've racked up about 5,000 exoplanets that have been recorded.

Now, why am I breaking this up? Why is this significant? Because when we're looking at the UFO phenomenon and the stories of extraterrestrials have been going out and have been integrated in different cultures across the globe for not even centuries but at this point, millennia. And then for 93, 94 to come around and they say, guys, you found an exoplanet, in some ways it doesn't match. Now, of course, our technology has grown significantly, but every piece of tech that has been blasted into space or even telescopes easily take 10 to 20 years to create.

And at that time, it is your highest, most amazing piece of tech. And then a new one comes along, which we're actually going to get into just a little bit, 10 to another 20 years. Do you see what I'm saying here? I do not see the, it doesn't match. Now, someone correct me, that's okay. I love, I don't know everything. Okay? People would classify me maybe as a little bit naive.

And that's fine, but if you have an answer to my question, please tell it to me, but also explain how you came across that information. Don't just tell me, oh, Christina, you're really dumb. That's not the answer. But tell me why it's not the answer. Okay? I love that. Also, your comments are not only valuable to me, but they are valuable to everyone else that reads them as well.

And Cassidy, thank you for that. That is so nice. Thank you. So now we're going to get into the Europa. Now that I have passed over my tangent because my goodness, it has been bugging me since early this morning. And I'm like, oh, I don't know who to talk to this about because no one gets it, but you, you get it. This is why you watch the show.

This is why you listen and you tune in for the co-in mom should be like, Christina, like, what are you saying? I said, “Mom, you don't get it.” No, mi hita. I'm like, okay, mom, all right, thank you, bye, but you do. So getting into this Europa clipper mission, which in many ways, I have to say is pretty exciting, but the spacecraft prepared by the JPL, the Jet-Polish Laboratory in Southern California, is equipped with nine scientific instruments and a telecommunication system. And these instruments are crucial for the mission's objectives, including a mass spectrometer.

To analyze the composition of gas molecules on Europa, a structure dust analyzer, and an imaging spectrometer to study the moon's ices, salts, and organic molecules, which I think is really cool, but here's also this information because additionally, the mission will utilize cameras to capture wide angle, angle, and narrow angle images of Europa's surface, providing detailed visuals of its icy landscape. Now here's what I would like. I would really like for the cameras to be on the entire time it is launching through our solar system all the way to Europa. Like, that would make me so happy.

Now, is that going to happen? At this point, I don't think so. I don't. There has been a delay in the Europa clipper mission. As it is honestly for all of NASA's projects, there's always a delay. It never launches on time. That went for juice. That's going for Europa. That's going for all of the all of the Artemis programs, so on and so forth.

It isn't this reoccurring trend to the point of, look, if you don't know if it's going to launch, don't even promise that it's going to launch. Okay? Just don't even say anything. What'd it be a surprise or something? Because the disappointment is there. And this is no exception to that. But the clipper suite of instruments will work in synergy to investigate the moon's subsurface oceans and its potential for supporting life.

For instance, a spectrograph will search for water vapor plumes and analyze changes in the atmosphere while a magnetometer and a plasma instrument will study Europa's magnetic field at its interaction with the ocean's saltwater. And then at some point, if all that seems promising, they will drop down a some kind of probe or a drone to start drilling into the ice of Europa and then we'll get the actual goods. We will hopefully see alien fishies and jelly fishies and whales and dolphins and all that good stuff. That would be like the highlight of my life right there. Also a bowl of romans also always my highlight.

But that'd be really cool. The while we're showing the conversation of space exploration is that there is a new observatory that's going to be kind of like coming on market, coming online and it's called the Habitable Worlds Observatory. Also known as the HWO represents NASA's new ambitious step in space exploration following the James Webb Space Telescope. And here is one I'm seeing. I'm seeing the trend. We see Spitzer Hubble, the JWST and now this one almost every single one almost says we're.

Going to find life. We are going to find evidence of life. It comes online. No, we didn't find anything cool, but let me show you these beautiful pictures of our galaxy. Isn't it just stunning? Are we in like this most beautiful place in our universe? But nothing other than pretty images, right? And then here we are with this name, the Habitable Worlds Observatory that won't come in line for another 20 years.

It was first kind of the information that first came out in the year 2020. And so then when this one comes online by the year 2040, they'll say, oh yeah, this one's going to find life and it's not going to find anything. Oh, you know what? We just don't have the right technology for it. We don't have the goods. We just published the next one called the alien finder telescope. That one's going to give us the goods. And then that one comes online and it's just this same routine, the same pattern.

None of them giving us the information or the evidence that they said that they would. But when you are sensationalizing it, yes, you are going to get the proper funding for it. And is that what this is all about? So while this is very exciting, the Habitable Worlds Observatory that will take about 20 years to make and create, are we actually going to get anything other than pretty images of gases, of nebulas, of planets, which are beautiful. Don't get me wrong. I love seeing them. It's always a fun surprise.

But when they promise us one thing and they say, oh, but actually look over here, I used to be naive on this and I'm like, yeah, it's so awesome. But after years of looking into this stuff and doing the research, I feel like I've become just a little bit wiser, not a lot, okay? Just a little bit to say, come on, guys, really. But either way, on the optimistic side, this is still pretty cool, okay? Maybe this time, I could be wrong and they will probably promise us the goods. Now will they? My hopes are very low on this one.

Yes. No, today, today, a little bit less trusting. Yes, I think there's a few agencies and organizations that we have covered here on this channel that just failed to meet their own expectations every single time that my expectations have gone even more below the bar than before. To the point where I have almost no expectations, but I would like them to beat them and say, oh, guys, guess what? We brought something really good and I would say, yes. Yes, this is awesome.

Versus getting incredibly disappointed when they do not bring what they promised that they would. Ron says, our next 20, 30 years will be fascinating indeed. I'm with you on that one, okay? I have to agree with you there in many aspects, on just in space exploration, but also in technology as well. We are three, says, bet your boots on the goods. Yes, I love Bill Nelson and that quote that he gave out during his NASA media briefing back in April that was a garbage, okay, briefing on UAP saying, yeah, we don't know anything,.

We need more funding. But he says, we can be transparent and you can bet your boots and I want that. I want a shirt so bad. It's amazing because the irony is there, but I've never heard it since and I've never heard it before Bill Nelson saying that. So I love it for that piece. Also, this image was really pretty. So we're getting into our last article and this one, we got to bring in this light comedy here.

And the funny jokes, the funny articles. And so I came across this one that I loved and it has to do with like your emergency calls in the UK. I believe it's 999 and in the United States, it's 911. And so here are just a handful that were recorded by the dispatch department of like some of your craziest 911 calls where they shouldn't have called them. Here it is. It says caller and here it says, I have a bottom part densher and I want to clean my teeth and I said, where is my false teeth?.

And this sounds crazy, but I don't know what else to do. Could I have swallowed my false teeth? The operator says, so you don't know where your false teeth are. Okay, that's really short. It's really sweet, but my question is here. If you've lost them, what is the police, the fire department, the hospital, what are they going to do to fix that? How are they going to fix that? Are they going to come over and you're going to play hide and go seek with them?.

You know, it is a crime. It is, and I'm going to assume it's a crime in the UK too, that if you just call for a joke or something like that, you will be fined. At least that is the case here in the United States, the point where I am terrified to call 911. Even if it is an emergency, they can just say, no, it's not, and then bam, I have like a $10,000 ticket in my mailbox. Okay, that's not really how it works, but sometimes my brain goes slightly to the extremes here, but here's another one.

And if you love cabbabs, this one's for you. I love cabbabs. They're delicious. Ring ring. Hello. Tell me exactly what happened. The caller says, yesterday evening, we had some cabbabs and I might have had just a little bit more than I'm used to, and then this morning I had a very painful stomach. We've been out at Thanksgiving dinner, and I think I just ate a little bit too much.

The operator hangs up right there, saying to themselves, just because you have a little tummy egg, you don't have to call 9999 911, rubber country you're in. Call your mom. Okay, take some thumbs. Hub your own tummy. Surprisingly, that does work. If your hands are warm and you rub your own tummy in, it works wonders. Don't call the emergency for that unless you have like a full blown hernia in there or you're actually coughing up blood, then maybe.

Otherwise, go take a nap. Now this one, this one's funny and terrible at the same time. We'll keep the same image here. Actually, I'll just change it. I don't know why I do have the image. Yes, here it is. It says, ring, ring. My ring is stuck on my finger and I think I need to cut it off, operator. Is your breathing normal for you?.

Call her. My breathing is fantastic. Thank you. Are you bleeding or vomiting blood? I'm not bleeding now. And you don't have any pain? Yeah, just a little bit. And the information that you've provided, you do not require a more detailed assessment by a nurse.

So when ambulance will not be sent to you at this time. But how am I going to get there then? Can you just come and see me? Please? We live in a world now, okay? We're just slightly more entitled than we ever have been. When your finger is stuck, you can still drive your car. Okay, you're a coach. You can drive it and you can take yourself.

And if there's really any issues, you call a friend. And if you don't have any friends, you call a taxi. Uber these days. Okay? 911 cannot help you. Maybe they could, but you really want to cut off your finger because a ring is stuck, soap, butter, cake, lard, works wonders on your, when your finger is stuck inside of a ring. Now some of them are pretty serious. Okay, to be fair, some of them are pretty bad.

So come across a few stories. But for the most part, soap will be your friend. Now I have one more for you. This one is pretty funny. And it's getting your hand stuck in the mailbox. I've never had this happen, but I think it's hilarious. Operator is the patient awake? Yeah, it's me. My hand stuck in the door.

Is the door locked at the moment? Yeah, it's locked. Mom, my hand stuck in the F in letterbox. How old are you? Open my door. My hand is stuck. And the operator hangs up the phone there as well. And why is that because the operator is asking himself, how old is this person? Because it sounds like a very silly child.

Now watch it be like a 30 year old that knows exactly what he's doing when his hand is stuck because he was trying to steal mail from his own mother's home. Mail these days just get junk mail and bills. And at this point in 2024, you need to do like a paper list statements for your bills. Like honestly, you really shouldn't be getting mail these days unless it's like coupons to get your oil changed. Which I do always look out for those. Okay, those are kind of good. But those are my articles that I have today keeping the phonias for last.

But out of all the articles that we covered, please let me know which one was your favorite? I think for my case, it was really interesting to hear from the DOD OIG where they had mentioned yeah, we know only know what's going on, but we did a report back in August. And now we're trying to be as transparent as possible and you can bet your boots here that we don't know what we're doing. Thank you for that. DOD OIG, man. Can I pay you with my tax dollars? Cheers my friend.

Man, you are live in the dream. I just sent over my taxes. Okay, it's who my advisor and I just, if you are a tax advisor, like bless your soul, bless your heart by every means because my goodness is it just like, unless you love math, but if you don't manage to awful. And then everyone's always depressed. Like there's never like positive thoughts or like good feelings about filing your taxes. Ever. I have never come across a person that says, you know what?.

I love filing my taxes. You know what? It is so much fun. If you do, you are a blessed soul. Okay, you're just naturally happy all the time and I want to be you. So bad. But for your average person like you and I, there's nothing good about doing your taxes except not going to prison. Okay, I do love that aspect.

Very important. But let me ask you, what was your favorite article for two days? Okay, let me know in the live chat, let me know in the comments. I do try my absolute best to read all of the comments. Cindy says, taxes are fun, but not for everyone. Feel like that 1%. Maybe if you're lucky. I will say I did take a power nap before today's show. I think people are like, do you drink a lot of coffee, Christina?.

No, it was, it was like a 30 minute power nap and I almost thought I was going to miss the show. But I made it and here we are with a little bit more energy than I anticipated, but you know what? It feels good to just like be awake instead of half asleep. Don't you think? And sometimes coffee doesn't always fix those issues and nap. Woof, works every time. Well, almost every time.

Ron says power naps are great. Here they are. And so it turns into like an eight hour nap. That's just like full blown sleep. But that is it for today. Here is the QR code to scan all of my social media links. And also I'm now starting to write up articles for all of the shows that we do right here on this channel. I came a little bit behind kind of catching up from last week being out of town, but those.

Will be up by early next week for all the shows that we did right here on this channel. This week. So you can find it on my website. If you just can't make your code, you will find all the links right there. But if you're listening to this on a podcast platform, follow me on Twitter at eyes underscore on the skies for all of my updates and news and also on Instagram and strange paradigms. If you want to continue the conversation, bring it over to the discord server with 3000 other like minded members. Share your thoughts, your insights, your experiences and more.

I want to say thank you to absolutely everyone watching this live, all the super chats, super stickers, YouTube members, page show and supporters. And of course all of my amazing moderators, you know, I cannot do this show without you for all those that stuck around all 300 extra viewers. You are amazing for sticking around. But let me put in this shameless plug, but it's not shameless because it's my own channel. And that is if you need help following a sleep relaxing, meditating or using your own imagination to wander in the universe, take a look at my music channel, which is called cosmic portals. There I make space ambient music that I make by myself all my own.

So if you need help relaxing, meditating, do take a look at that and that QR code will take you straight there. That is it for today. I will see you next time. Be safe. And remember, keep your eyes on the skies. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music).

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