What Does Modi’s Third Length of time Point out for Muslims?


What Does Modi’s Third Length of time Point out for Muslims?

Hello, I’m CJ Werleman, and in thisspecial report, we explain what the outcome of India’s election meansfor Muslims in India and Kashmir. But first – please don’t forgetto like and subscribe to our show. Now let’s get into! India’s election results are nowfinalized, and here’s the headline: Yes, Narendra Modi, the Butcher of Gujarat, has secured enough seats to commence his third5-year term – but – with a reduced majority, having fallen well short of the landslide victoryhis Hindu nationalist party had predicted. This outcome decimates the mainstreamperception of his invincibility,.

And proves democracy is alive and well inIndia, especially when you think about what his opposition had to overcome in coming soclose to pulling off an unexpected victory. They had to overcome a huge money deficit, givenModi’s party had 10 times the amount of cash as their political rivals, with Modi also havinga subservient mainstream media at his back, along with the country’s democratic institutions,including judiciary and the electoral commission, which have been corrupted by BJP money andinfluence during the past decade of his rule. But to break down the result into asimple good news versus bad news binary: The good news is the result shows fascism can be defeated at the ballot box –and if not today, then tomorrow.

The bad news is more obvious: the man who incitesgenocide against Muslims remains in power for another 5 years, even if somewhat potentiallyconstrained by the absence of an overall majority. The reality is Muslims remain terrifiedabout the future, and maybe more so than any other time in the past, at leastaccording to the dozen or so texts I have received from personal friends in India,who have urged me to convey their fears here. They believe Hindu nationalists will see this nextperiod of Modi’s rule as a now or never movement, which means he will push full steam ahead withhis agenda of transforming India’s secular democracy into a tyrannical Hindu theocracy,one in which Muslims are either expelled, killed, or made second class citizens.

And if we have learnt anything from the past, it’s that dictators and wannbe dictatorsare at their most dangerous – against their perceived or imagined enemies – whenthey appear wounded or at their weakest. Therefore – if Modi has learnt this lesson,and there’s no reason to believe he hasn’t, then he will be more determinedtoday than ever before to ram through more of his anti-Muslim lawsand policies in a dictatorial fashion, given he will now believe his party’sfuture rule is far from certain. His recent campaign speeches outline this roadmap, particularly those that refered to Muslims as “infiltrators’” and “baby making machines”who aim to steal the country’s resources.

It’s therefore impossible to believe Modi’s third term won’t bring further hardshipto Muslims in India and Kashmir. It’s also impossible to deny the next5 years won’t be yet another period of living dangerously for 200 million followersof the Islamic faith. This much is certain. For starters, he will now implementhis controversial citizenship law, which gives citizenship rights to refugees andmigrants from neighbouring countries Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, butwith one notable exception: Muslims. He will also introduce a new common civil codefor the country, which will strip religious minorities of their basic rights on such mattersrelated to marriage, divorce, and inheritance.

Propagandized efforts to falsely accuse Muslimsof stealing land, jobs, economic benefits, media outlets, and even history willbecome ever more strident and virulent. A few weeks ago, Modi even accused Muslims of secretly stealing voters fromBJP by committing “vote jihad”. Yeah – it’s totally bonkers –but You can’t make this stuff up! There are also huge concerns for the wellbeingof 12 million Muslims who live under the brutal occupation of one million radicalizedIndian soldiers in occupied Kashmir, remembering that in 2019, Modi stripped theMuslim territory of its semi-autonomous status. And he has since put in place measuresand mechanisms to expand and entrench.

India’s settler colonial enterprise inKashmir, mirroring the same strategies and tactics Israel has adopted in the occupiedPalestinian Territories for the past 50 years. Many also believe Kashmir could potentiallybecome the next Gaza – because the harder India pushes to turn the territory into a Hindumajority, the more resistance it will get from the indigenous Kashmiri Muslim population, ultimatelyleading to more conflict – notwithstanding the fact that Indian forces have happily killedmore than 100,000 Muslims there since 1989. It's also important to understand India’sHindu nationalist movement threatens the wellbeing of Muslims far away from India’sshores, and do so by covertly funnelling money and resources into Hindutvagroups throughout the diaspora.

Groups RSS, VHP, Sewa International,Overseas Friends of BJP, and others have spread their tentacles into the UnitedStates, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia . They aim to influence the politics of thesecountries in favor of the Hindu nationalist agenda, as we have reported extensively onthis program for the past several years. You can help counter these insidious andhateful groups by getting behind civil society organizations that are working hard to expose andcounter the influence of Hindutva in the West, groups such as the Alliance Against Islamophobiain Australia and Indian American Muslim Council in the US – both of whom have raised awareness amongtheir respective communities and local media. The success of anti-Hindutva activismeven gained the attention of popular.

Satirical news commentator Jon Oliver, who ridiculed Modi’s Hindu nationalist ruleon his Emmy award winning show last week. Look, I know all eyes are on Gaza at themoment. This is understandable, given 40,000 innocent Palestinians have beenslaughtered during the past 8 months. But please – I urge you to keep awatchful eye on India and Kashmir. Yes, there’s a genocide taking place inPalestine, but there’s also the potential for an even greater one here, remembering thathuman rights groups have long warned Muslims have been pushed to the brink of genocideby Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. Which is why we want to devote more timeand resources to covering India during the.

Coming year, so with that said – I kindly askyou please consider supporting our effort to expose and counter injustices in the Muslim worldby becoming a member at patreon.com/cjwerleman. We need all the help we can get, and We offerexclusive benefits to those who support us. But for now, good night, good morning,wherever you are, and stay blessed!

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3 thoughts on “What Does Modi’s Third Length of time Point out for Muslims?

  1. Please aid me counter injustices in Muslim world by supporting my journalism and CJWS right here: ▶ https://www.patreon.com/cjwerlemanor by the usage of YouTube right here: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1_vNx2yAQzFnQWNajUHtg/joinOne-time donations would perhaps well presumably also be made right here: ▶ https://www.paypal.me/cjwerlemanWe can't attend, give a capture to and grow this program without your aid. Thank you![NB: YouTube has restricted our show to limited advertisements because it claims our content is too “controversial” (i.e. we expose US, Indian and Israeli human rights violations), which means we are totally dependent on the kindness and generosity of our supporters]

  2. Thanks man on your anxiety about kashmir im from Kashmir and love to search your advise..we are extra plagued by this govt again.Israel and this govt are the convey of same policy and ways.Shield talking about kashmir..thanks 🎉

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