What does Trump guilty verdict mean for the November presidential election?


What does Trump guilty verdict mean for the November presidential election?

We continue to follow breaking news out of New York former president Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in his hush money trial he's the first former president to be found guilty of felony crimes in the history of this nation thanks for joining us I'm Mike Bush I'm Kelly Jackson and all red is off tonight prosecutors charged him with.

Falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up hush money payments he made to adult film actress stormy Daniel the jury agreed with government prosecutors who argued Mr Trump made those illegal payments in pursuit of a conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election jurors.

Reached the unanimous verdict after N9 and a half hours of deliberation so let's bring in political editor Mark Maxwell and Mark delegates for the RNC were chosen in Missouri and Illinois already right that's right and the timing will weigh heavy on their minds keep in mind Mr Trump is scheduled for sentencing Thursday July 11 that's just.

4 days before Republican delegates head to the National Convention to officially nominate a candidate for president so do they continue and for the first time ever nominate a convicted felon to run for president do they risk possible ballot access challenges in swing States these are not just mere hypotheticals these are very real circumstances that.

Republican elected officials are preparing for even now Congressman uh from Alabama Mo Brooks a republican has tweeted that maybe the party should replace Trump quote with a good character nominee in Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey has already said he'll deploy whatever legal tools necessary to protect Trump's ballot.

Access or voter's ability to select him suggesting that it could already be in danger in states that ban felons from running for office remember many states Bar felons from voting I'm just going to pause for a quick moment to note that yes Mr Trump is now a convicted felon and yes he is still eligible to vote in Florida that's because that's where he.

Considers his primary residence but he's been convicted uh had he been convicted there Florida law would have made him ineligible to vote he was convicted in New York and state law in New York says you only lose those voting rights after incarceration Missouri AG candidate will sharf one of Mr Trump's lawyers has vowed to speedily.

Appeal the speed of that appeal could impact this potential sentencing for July remember that earlier Supreme Court question over Trump's ballot access in Colorado and other states only considered whether a state could throw Trump off the ballot for their interpretation of Insurrection the court did not consider a separate question of.

Validity of state laws that might ban a a convict uh from running for office so there could be a whole new question open on that legal front because the laws are so different in different states right and the court said that a federal election should be run by feds and not the states but they didn't consider that conviction but just so everybody.

Understands Donald Trump no matter what happens in this case can still become the president of the United States there there's nothing that stops the voters from select if the party nominates him even if he's in a say that he is sentenced to jail and he's in jail during the convention they could still nominate him voters could still select.

Him that much could still proceed what are high ranking Republicans saying right now are they supporting him or are they kind of backing off that was the one example I use Senator Josh Holly basically said this was a sham and he tried to link this to Joe Biden you're seeing a lot of that rhetoric there's no evidence for a claim like that uh you'd.

Have to I mean they're so they're trying to make it political this does add fuel to that rhetorical fire that Donald Trump has said the system's out to get me well now that's becoming more real so it's starting to set in but this isn't a time to look to rhetoric or spin from politicians it's a time to review the evidence and the facts and see you know.

I I'm sure there will be a lot of interest in the jurors and what happened in that jury room all right Mark thanks all right and again Donald Trump will be sentenced July 11th he could face a fine probation or up to four years in prison we will continue to follow this breaking story an historic story on air on ksdk.com and on the five on your side.

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3 thoughts on “What does Trump guilty verdict mean for the November presidential election?

  1. Despite the indisputable fact that Trump is jailed. The voters luxuriate in viewed ample to understand, that Biden is a curse to this US of A. Trump will most likely be elected and pardon himself. Coarse will repeatedly lose. God Bless The us.

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