What Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview Plot for X


What Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview Plot for X

Give us the context of what this makesadvertisers feel like. Yeah, well, obviously there are a lot ofadvertisers who would be very reluctant to see their brand show up anywhere nearthis interview. Right.But I also think that a lot of advertisers who are uncomfortable withthat are probably no longer on. I think a lot of the people who arestill spending money on X have pretty thick skin when it comes to what theyexpect or imagine that their marketing is going to appear next to.Right. And so I'm not sure that we'renecessarily going to see a new wave of.

People rushing in the other direction,mostly because a lot of those people are already on.And this speaks, of course, to the ultimate aim that we've always been toldfrom Elon Musk about X is for for freedom of speech in all its entirety.So tell us a little bit about how ultimately the deals with the likes ofTucker Carlson are going getting on very people who attract a big crowd to comeand ultimately have shows on the platform.Yeah. You know, I was really interested inthis. About a month ago, right after CBS, whenX announced that they were going to be.

Doing these new shows.Don Lemon, of course, was another one who they were going to bring on.And, you know, I spoke to four media agencies, you know, after theannouncement was made. And all of them basically said the samething, that these shows aren't really going to move the needle.Now, if you're a big brand looking to spend money on X, it might be nice tohave sort of something that at least as professionally produced that you can,you know, run your video ad next to. But until X gets, you know, a muchlarger collection of these types of shows with much more and lesscontroversial hosts, quite frankly, I'm.

Not sure that this is the kind of thingthat's going to draw advertisers back. And again, I don't think they're runningthe other way because those folks are already gone.But I don't think this is necessarily big enough that it's going to lurepeople back who have been reluctant to spend money on acts to begin with.There's a lot happening in the social media space in real time.But you reported that Jack Dorsey's Blue Sky, the decentralized social mediaplatform, is now opened up to everyone. Why is that significant?Well, blue sky, as you both probably know, has emerged as sort of one of themain alternatives to ex ever since Elon.

Musk took over.And, you know, there's a bunch of technical reasons that people areexcited about it. You know, this decentralized element isis idealistic, I think. But for the most part, this is simply aplace where people who used to love Twitter but no longer feel comfortableusing X have been going. And so the fact that they're sort ofopening this up to everybody, you know, perhaps that will kind of expedite thegrowth of blue sky. But, you know, again, we're looking atthreads, we're looking at blue sky. You might even remember Mastodon.These were essentially X alternatives.

And so it's just always interesting tokeep tabs on what they're doing and whether or not they're still growing andcapturing people who are running away from X.Your book on X is imminent or your book on Twitter.I mean Twitter. That's right.As with you. So much has changed in real time.We would we were teasing Jason Stride ever day about how you to rewrite thelast graph of his book based on what happened with Blizzard.But something you just said, Blue sky is the alternative to X.Where do you think X sits in the.

Landscape right now?Matter, Facebook, snap, Instagram reels, things like that.Sure. You know, I still feel like it's a goodplace to go for certain types of news, right?I'm a big sports fan. I still think that X is probably thebest place to go when you want to figure out, Hey, what's going on?My favorite team, what's going on in the NFL playoffs?But there's a bunch of other categories of news that I think that ex used tosort of be the go to place for where it's no longer that or it's certainlynot as reliable as it used to be.

And I think there's a bunch of reasonsfor that. The most notable probably being thechange in verification. Right.And sort of eliminating this ability to quickly identify who legitimatejournalists are versus folks who might not be doing that professionally.And to me, I think that's hurt the company when it comes to news.But obviously, Ellen would disagree. And, you know, for that reason, I feellike X is sort of fallen out of the position that it had over news overInstagram, Facebook and others few years ago.

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