What’s it cherish taking Ozempic? Sufferers fragment their tales


What’s it cherish taking Ozempic? Sufferers fragment their tales

It's a lot of empty carbs I gained some weight that I lost back everything that you took it to hide comes back those Cravings everything three women sharing their stories about life on ozempic Shea Marie is a single mom and type 2 diabetic ebony Wiggins also has diabetes and Danielle Baker who was prescribed the drug to lose weight even though the.

Company says it's not a weight loss drug two of the three women did lose some pounds an outcome mentioned in the ad oh up to 12 pounds part of that weight loss comes from the way ozempic works it mimics a hormone that makes you feel full longer reduces food cravings and suppresses your appetite how did you feel about food when you were on Olympic.

Didn't even think of it looking at a bag of Doritos was kind of looking at a pair of socks Shea says if she over ate she would feel nauseated a side effect ebony also had no matter how little I seem to eat in that sitting I was getting nauseous or I would throw it up so I definitely ate less I just didn't feel good even just drinking water would kind.

Of upset my stomach and make me feel a little nauseous while not everyone experiences side effects Danielle says in addition to the Daily nausea she also felt constant headaches the discomfort made her stop taking ozempic after three months she says she didn't expect what happened next everything came back full force right like the all the crazy.

Cravings that I've struggled with for the sweets the junk food felt like I was over compensating Danielle's weight didn't drop she says she gained eight pounds while on ozempic and after stopping her weight climbed 20 pounds Shea says she hoped ozempic would put her type 2 diabetes into remission but after two and a half months her.

Insurance coverage changed and she lost access to the drug what happened when you stopped taking ozembic for the first I'd say week and a half you still had that numbness to food cravings and then suddenly it was like your body woke up and discovered hey I like bread she says she has to fight the urge to.

Eat and is working extra hard to control her weight and diabetes is not like a magic pill you still have to work at exercise and knowing your portion control I was on Olympic for about six months ebony experienced nausea and vomiting while on the drug but together with diet and exercise she lost 25 pounds she stopped.

Taking ozempic because it became too hard to get her appetite also came roaring back you could say that I appreciated eating a little too much endocrinologist Dr Priya Jason ghani says these women experience known ozympic side effects she says in abrupt end any weight loss plan can have a rebound effect and the best way to go.

About doing this is to make small and gradual changes that people can adhere to in the long term because the drug is not approved for weight loss the makers of ozempic tell NBC it wasn't studied for weight changes following discontinuation and they say they don't promote suggest or encourage off-label use Dr Jason gani recommends a.

Multi-layered approach to Medicated weight loss in addition to your prescription talk to your doctor about including a nutritionist to help with meal planning staying active and looping in a fitness expert and Consulting a mental health expert like a psychologist or psychiatrist you are absolutely worth it invest in yourself and your physical.

Mental and emotional health great advice and if you are looking to lose weight there are other drugs to talk to your doctor about including we'll go eat contrave and saxenda unlike ozempic those medicines are all currently FDA approved for weight loss Wow first of all that's the first time I've heard what ozemptic feels like.

Because we just see everyone's losing weight and yay I didn't realize like the idea that food was repulsive to you um how are these women are not on it so how are they doing it yeah they're all off of it now hold on Savannah and they're all doing a good job controlling their weight they tell us ebony actually got a new prescription for something.

Called Manjaro which is helping with her type 2 diabetes that's actually starting to become in short supply in some areas as well Danielle got a gastric sleeve surgery so she's lost 90. yeah the last person who we spoke to and Shea says she's trying to do it by eating healthier and and exercising but it's difficult especially when you work two.

And three jobs you don't always have access to fresh food or exercise so it's a challenge for sure it is all right and also just the coming back the the wanting to eat everything once you get off of it like it's like your body wakes up like that said yeah yeah wow that's really interesting okay okay thank you hey thanks for watching don't miss the.

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