

Foreign it's Erica from Bravo migrationhere um putting some time aside to have a chat to you of video chat when it comes to talk about yourage and the age limits of the migration programs in Australia so we have the skilled migrationprogram under which there are General skilled migration visas subclass 189 190 and 491 and wehave the employer migration visas under the same program and those employer visas include subclass4-H to TSS the sponsorship visit it's a temporary Visa the temporary Regional sponsorship Visasubclass 494 and the permanent Visa 186 employer nomination scheme now as a whole the skilledmigration program has an age limit for those candidates applying for visas you shouldn't beolder than 44 if you turn 45 you're out of the um eligibility so when we're talking aboutGSM visas generous skilled migration visas.

There are no exceptions if you're waiting foran invitation if your expression of interest is within SKU select and you're um haven'tbeen invited and your birthday comes up and you turn 45 unfortunately the day that you turn45 you're gonna get an email an automated email from skill selecting unfortunately your eoi hasbeen discontinued you turn 45 you're not eligible anymore there are no exceptions and if you get intouch with us saying I'm 46 and I'm I'm a graphic designer we're gonna come back to and say sorrywe can't help you if you're looking for GSM points tested permanent visas now the employer visas ifwe look at the temporary 4-H of Visa there are no age limits when it comes to that Visa howeverif you're over 45 you're not going to be able to progress to a permanent employer visa whenit seeks only under very limited circumstances.

You're able to progress from the 42 to the 186permanent Visa those very limited circumstances are prescribed in a legal instrument wherethere's a few type few types of people who could apply for an age exception when applyingfor the permanent fees and that's doctors academic workers researchers professors scientists certainNew Zealand citizens and people who are sponsored for at least three years on a 4-H Visa earningwhat we call the fair work High income threshold salary so people earning at the that changesevery Financial year but at the moment that salary package is a hundred and sixty thousanddollars a year so you see people owning certain occupations earning that much so if you are aged45 and you want to apply for a permanent Visa your chances are very small in getting a permanent Visathe regional sponsorship Visa 494 also even though.

It's a temporary Visa also has an age limit ifyou are 45 or older you can't apply but those same exceptions I just described for the 186 Visathey're mostly apply for the 494 Visa as well but again please don't count on that those exceptionsare for very few cases so if you're over 45 your chances with the general skilled migrationprogram when it comes for a permanent Visa are very small now we have the investor visa programand the Global Talent Visa where the maximum age is 55. now this visas have not so much to dowith your nominated occupation as the skilled migration program does but more to do with yourachievements as an investor or a business owner or as a professional of certain areas so these visasare not for everyone the investor visa program looks at people who want to and can invest froma million to five million dollars roughly just.

Giving you a general idea and who also havea history of being professional investors or business owners in some cases in other cases ifthere's the significant investor visa you don't need to have been an investor in the past butthat requires five million dollars investment now the Global Talent Visa also has a maximum of55 but as I said this Visa is not for everyone we get a lot of inquiries for this Visa because wehave done a lot of work with this visa and have been very successful the majority I would say 98of our clients who we put cases forward and asked for an invitation an endorsement for them to beconsidered Global talents they have been invited um but a lot of people contact us and they sayI'm an IG professional I'm a graphic designer and I want to apply for the Global TalentVisa first we need to see if your area of.

You know where you work and where you've donethings is within the target sectors sometimes people think it is but it's not and even if it isum having an occupation having experience in that Target sector is not enough you must have had somesort of Distinction um globally so we can say Okay Department of Home Affairs this person is specialbecause of and go there so that's also a Visa that you can apply up until you're 55 but as you sawit's not a simple visa to apply for so the message today is if you are 45 or older um probably youshould forget about the skilled migration program um if you think you have a chance with theinvestor or the Global Talent Visa program the age there is 55 but again those visas are notfor everyone so be very careful if you're over 45 um in starting a plan to migrate to Australiato get a permanent visa to Australia we have.

Content everywhere talking about the age requiredfor this Visa programs but we still keep getting choirs from people who are over 45 sometimes 50 60and we then have to say sorry guys but you don't qualify so read our content watch our videos getinformed before you start a journey migrating to Australia temporary visas if you want to come asa tourist as a student even working on a temporary sponsorship is that there's no age limits butthen to progress onto a permanent Visa they'll be very very few cases where it will be possibleover 45. so thanks for watching we hope this has been informative and that's what we're here forto inform you with the facts about migration to Australia and then after consuming all theinformation we provide you if then you believe we can help you find a Visa pathway for you weoffer Visa action plan consultations and if you do.

Qualify we are able to prepare larger applicationsand increase your chances of an approval as I said my name is Erica I'm one of the directors andco-founders at Bravo migration thanks for watching

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