When Biden heard Samoa, he belief they were ordering Girl Scout cookies: Jimmy Failla


When Biden heard Samoa, he belief they were ordering Girl Scout cookies: Jimmy Failla

FAA join me now Jimmy FAA host of Fox News Saturday night Jimmy wow the big embarrassment of the night for Biden other than 18% of Minnesota Democrats voting for uncommitted was losing to a guy that no one ever heard of my phone started blowing up uh and when your phone is you know 20 text messages coming in at once you immediately look.

At your phone or the TV and I actually saw on the TV sat here in the hotel that we had one am Samoa uh which was very surprising so Jimmy um I know you were you were on the edge of your seat about America Samoa's turnout but he you know look at him he's a clean cut guy he seems to have a lot of energy and he's not 81 and he spent a lot less money.

Than Michael Bloomberg did to win American Samoa if you remember back to that disaster but you know what the most disturbing part of last night is when Biden heard Samoa he thought they were ordering Girl Scout cookies he had no no idea this is a hard thing to watch 91 people showed up to vote in that primary they had more carjackings in Washington.

DC last night than they had primary voters in American Samoa Biden uh Biden when he tweets by the way Jimmy don't you love when people say well Biden tweeted well no he's like he's really like you know Trump's actually writing most of his own post on Truth social he doesn't really tweet but on on Truth social he's writing I think most of that.

Stuff you you can tell it sounds like him but the idea that Biden's writing anything give me a break he's pouring over his State of the Union speech can I just say this if someone typed the way Biden talked it would look like a cat walked across your keyboard okay H H that's a word he uses frequently I don't know how you type that I got to be.

Honest all right the White House is claiming Jimmy that it wants to let Biden quote or we quoting I think off his leash for the general election like Commander I guess but that doesn't seem to be the case watch this I better not start your questions I get in trouble what's your message for super Tuesday.

Voters so embarrassing he'll get in trouble like the dog like a dog that you know goes to the bathroom and you know in the house he's going to get in trouble listen now some of these dog comparisons are apt because he does sniff people a lot randomly uh there's that but here's the thing when he says I'm going to get in trouble what I.

Always want to know is by who okay if you're the leader of the Free World by definition you're supposed to be the most powerful man in the world do you think there's any world where any other leader is like oh I don't want to get in trouble but in his case he might get in trouble they're like hey you want your you know you want your butter pecan.

Ice cream cone or what old man and he's like fine I won't take questions but that's what we're watching here it's embarrassing can you imagine mcon or X or any of these leaders like well I cannot to answer these questions because I will get in trouble I mean Trump dude Trump gets legally ordered to stop talking and keeps talking oh he don't.

Care he's a leader he's his own guy very good point Jo all right Biden is getting some help Jimmy um swatting away voters concerns about his age from a fellow octogenarian watch recent poll says 73% of registered voters think Biden is too old to be president you're one year older than him are you worried about his age.

I'm worried about a lot of things but I think the media has fixated a little bit too much on age that's convincing I I don't know that they have Bernie because age isn't the concern it's condition okay this is a guy who routinely makes the sign language interpreter shrug we've seen him shake hands with invisible people.

We've seen him quit talking in the middle of a sentence because he's done okay the point is not age it's condition if you saw the Carfax on Joe Biden you would not purchase this vehicle okay Mr Carfax okay that is really good all right Jimmy great to see you hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our.

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