Where is Kate Middleton? Timeline of key dates | 7 Data Australia


Where is Kate Middleton? Timeline of key dates | 7 Data Australia

It's thequestion that has taken over the Internet. Where is Kate Middleton? This is easy to dismissas some sort of tinfoil hat conspiracy. But there are some very strange elementsto this story, particularlywhen you look at the timeline of dates. So let's go back in time and do that. 12th of September 2023, KateMiddleton reveals a finger injury, which she claimed happenedwhen she was trampolining with her kids. Innocent enough.

Then three weeks lateron the 5th of October, Kate is pictured with two fingersstill bandaged together. Seems like it must have beena pretty rough trampolining injury on the 22nd of December,Wilson Kate announced an official trip to Italy scheduled for early 2024. Now, if you're planning major surgeryof any kind for early 2024, it seems unlikely that you will alsoannounce a trip to Italy at the same time. Then, December 25, Christmas Day 2023,the last verified public appearance of Kate Middletonand also of the three children.

Everyone looks happy and healthy. December 28, three dayslater and ambulance with police escort is seen flying out of Sandringham wherethe royal family was spending Christmas. There was no statement from the royalsas to what that was about then. January 17, 2024. The Princess of Wales conditionpotentially more serious, admitted to this London private hospital on Tuesday,undergoing planned abdominal surgery. Described as successful.

At this stage, the palace won't sayexactly why the princess required surgery,choosing to keep her diagnosis private, but she is likely to stay in hospitalfor up to two weeks. All her engagements expectedto be canceled until after Easter. It's announced that Kate Middleton is recovering ina hospital called the London Clinic now. During those two weeks,there are no reports of visits from her parents,her siblings or her children. On January 18th, the day after surgery,Prince William visits the London clinic.

It was the firstand last time he was known to visit where she was allegedly in the clinicfor another two weeks on January 24. UK papers report that the inner circle of the Wales'swas shocked to hear of Kate surgery and that they weren't aware of any healthissues. January 26, King Charlesreportedly visits Kate in hospital, but still no known visits from her kidsor parents or family. January 28 Spanish journalist ConchaCollector claims Kate Middleton is in an induced coma after her surgery,and she cited unnamed palace sources.

The next day, on January 29,Kensington Palace claims that Kate was discharged from the London clinicto continue her recovery at home. At this point, Katehasn't been seen publicly in over 35 days, and there are no photosof her exiting the hospital. On Februaryone, palace aides slammed the Spanish journalist three, which is a bit oddbecause they rarely comment on rumors. February five, KingCharles announces his cancer diagnosis, but doesn't say what it isor how bad it is. On the same day, UKmagazine published an article.

Which said Kate's recoverywould now be nine months and not three. Two days later, on Februaryseven, Prince Harry jets to London for a flyin, fly out hospital visit to see his dad. It lasted all of 45 minutes. Queen Camillaalso visited the king a number of times. But you know who didn't visit William? Nor did he issueany kind of public well-wishes. On February nine, reportsemerged that Kate is, quote, on the mend and has left Windsor to continuerecovering at Sandringham on February 20.

Prince William puts out a statementon their joint social media account talking about the conflictin the Middle East, but there is no mention of Kate. Williamalso used his solo monogram at the top, which he used to use beforehe was married. February 27, Prince William cancelshis appearance and reading at his father's memorial service at the last minute,citing personal reasons. And in the same breath,he says that Kate is doing well now. It's a big dealfor someone like the future.

King of England to pull out of an eventlike this at the last minute and also just tack on thathis wife is fine now at that point, it had been nine weeks since Kateand their children had been seen publicly. That didn't pass the online smell test. So the next day, on February 28,the hashtag where is Kate Middleton started trending the day after thathashtag started trending on February 29. Kensington Palace released a statementaddressing the online rumors. A spokesperson for Princess Katesaid We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was outuntil after Easter, and Kensington Palace.

Would only be providing updateswhen something was significant. The spokesperson reiterated the princesswas, quote, doing well on March four. This photo emerges. It's seemingly Kate Middletonbeing driven by her mum in a blackout near Windsor Castle. And it's safe to say that Katelooks different, particularly her chin. Six days later, on March ten,the royal account posted this picture and boy. The caption read, Thank you for your kindwishes and continued support.

Over the last two months. Wishing everyone a happy Mother's Day and signing off with a cheerfulc the Catherine. Surely that's going to keep everybodyhappy and leave questions about the princess'shealth answered right or wrong. Almost instantly became clearthat the photo was edited like very edited and not very well either. And the major photo agencieswho released these photos noticed that too, and just hourslater issued what's called a kill notice.

Because the source appearedto have been modified. The royal PR team went into overdriveand then this tweet was posted by the social media accountattributed to Kate. In a statement,Kate allegedly says, Like many amateur photographers,I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologiesfor any confusion that the family photographwe shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebratinghad a very happy Mother's Day. C for Catherine.

What a mess. The internet went into overdriveafter that announcement. Theories went viral like this one,which made a rather striking case that the photo was actually takenin November of 2023. And if you know anything about KateMiddleton, you know that people obsessivelytrack her fashion. So, of course,I was able to find a bunch of blogs breaking downexactly what she was wearing. Now, I know that the sweater inher picture was black, but stick with me.

Because it's Photoshopped. I think they changed around the clotheson the photo. But look at these bootsand look at the pants. This is the exact sweater. It's from a company called Reiss,I believe. I look at that necklineand look at this part right here. Of up the exposure quite a lotso that you can see the ribbing better. But look how it lands on herlike thigh area, the thickness of that belt of the ribbing.

And then look at the turtleneck. Yes,I know. A lot of turn on that slip the same. But I do believethat this was Photoshopped to be darker and it was just that cream sweater becausethey don't make it in another color. They make it in cream and in camel. And let's look at the bootsshe's wearing in this new photo. It's the same exact boots as this babybank visit that she did with her kids. And some claim that the image is actually a reworkingof her Vogue magazine cover from 2016.

And that brings us to March 11 and this vague paparazzi imagewhich shows William in a car seated next to someone who may or may not be his wife,Kate. Now, KensingtonPalace is standing by their claim that Kate will return to public dutiesafter Easter. Whether or not that happensis yet to be seen. But one thing is certainthis situation is a mess and it was made worse by Kensington Palaceand their clumsy moves.

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