Who Died: March 2024 Week 3 | News


Who Died: March 2024 Week 3 | News

Here are the most recent deaths in the national news as reported at legacy.com the 3D week of March 2024 legacy.com is where you can find any obituary or publish an obituary in any newspaper in America and Beyond musician Angela mclusky died March 14th 2024 while in a coma following emergency surgery for an.

Arterial tear at the age of 64 she was the front woman for wild Colonials know for '90s hits like spark and charm mclusky is also being remembered for her collaborations with Robbie Robertson Kendrick Lamar and telepop Music musician Steve Harley died March 17th 2024 at his home in suuk England he died of cancer at the age of 73 he was.

The lead singer for Cockney Rebel the English glamrock band known for 19 1970s hits like make me smile come up and see me Harley is also being remembered for his solo career and for collaborations with such artists as T-Rex and Mike bat astronaut Thomas Stafford died March 18th 2024 at a retirement home in.

Satellite Beach Florida he died after being diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of 93 he was the as a commander of the 1975 Apollo soyu test project the first joint Mission between the US and Soviet space programs he is also being remembered for three other space flights including Apollo 10 which was the last mission in.

Preparation for the moonlanding Stafford was a US Air Force veteran who served for more than 25 years before his retirement as Lieutenant General entrepreneur sidel Miller died February 25th 2024 at her home in Cleveland she died after a period of declining Health.

At the age of 86 she and her husband the late Arnold Miller founded two well-known Beauty Brands Ardell a leader in false eyelashes and Matrix specializing in Hair Care Miller is being remembered for influencing the beauty industry with revolutionary products like ready to apply false eyelashes and hair color.

Designed to be applied with a brush rather than a bottle author Dan Wakefield died March 13th 2024 in Miami he died after a period of declining health and a stroke last year at the age of 91 he wrote Such novels as going all the way and starting over both bests sellers that were adapted into feature.

Films Wakefield is also being remembered as the creator of the 1970s TV series James at 15 stunt performer Grant Paige died March 14th 2024 in New South Wales Australia he died of injuries sustained in a car accident at the age of 85 he was a legend of Australian action movies best known for his daring stunts.

In madmax and madmax Beyond Thunderdome paig is also being remembered for such movies say stunt Rock Road games and mad dog Morgan civil rights activist Dory Ladner died March 11th 2024 in Washington DC she died of complications from covid-19 bronchial obstruction and Colitis at the age of.

81 she was one of Mississippi's most prominent activists during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s she registered voters marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and participated in the famous Woolworth's lunch counter stins Ladner is also being remembered as a social worker who was devoted to telling the stories of the Civil Rights.

Movement baseball player Bill plumber died March 12th 2024 at his home in ring California he died after a heart attack at the age of 76 he won two back-to-back World Series with the Cincinnati Reds in the 1970s as backup catcher to Johnny Bench plumber is also being remembered as a coach and.

Manager for such teams as the Colorado Rockies and the Arizona Diamond packs Mountaineer and filmmaker David brashier died March 14th 2024 in Marblehead Massachusetts he died of natural causes at the age of 16 he was the filmmaker behind the IMAX documentary Everest filmed during one of his five ascents of the world's highest.

Mountain brashers is also being remembered as the first American to ascend Mount Everest twice filmmaker Joe Camp died March 15th 2024 at his home in Bell buuck Tennessee he died after a long illness at the age of 84 he was the creator of the popular Benji series of family films becoming one of the most successful Indie.

Filmmakers in history as he wrote directed and distributed the movies Camp is being remembered for inspiring many families to adopt pets after featuring a rescued shelter dog as the very first Benji screenwriter David seidler died March 16th 2024 in New Zealand at the age of.

86 he won an Academy Award in 2010 for his screenplay for The King's Speech seidler is also being remembered for his work as a writer for such soap operas as general hospital and Days of Our Lives a note to remember sometimes personal information such as someone's cause of death is not announced.

Immediately by their family or the authorities when a cause of death has not been officially confirmed we do not report on rumors every family has a right to their privacy baseball player Jim mcandrew died March 14th 2024 at a hospital in Scottdale Arizona he died after a brief illness at the age of 80 he was a.

Pitcher for the Mets during their 1969 Miracle Mets World Series winning season mcandrew is also being remembered for going to the postseason with the Mets in 1973 musician Byron Janice died March 14th 2024 at a New York City Hospital at the age of 95 he was a classical pianist who.

Debuted at Carnegie Hall to rave reviews when he was just 20 years old Janice is also being remembered for his discovery of four previously unknown waltzes by chopan poet gyin Kain died February 7th 20124 in lead Netherlands he died of heart disease at the age of 81 he was a founding member of the last poets a.

Poetry and Art Collective of the 1960s who laid the groundwork for Modern Performance poetry and contributed to the development of rap Kane is also being remembered for his appearances in such films as wings of Fame and right on musician and activist Matthew orango better known as kab boy died March 17th 2024 at the age of 34 he was known for.

Fun catchy songs like Penny girl and Kid born in space which reflected influences from disco Funk house and more a disabled activist kab boy is also being remembered for his advocacy on behalf of other people with disabilities filmmaker Cass Warner died in March 2024 at the age of 76 the granddaughter of Warner Brothers.

Co-founder Harry Warner she made the documentary The Brothers Warner based on a book she wrote about her family's Legacy in Hollywood Warner is also being remembered as the mother of actor Cole Hower inventor shichi Nishi died January 26th 2024 in Japan he died of natural causes at the age of 100 his death was reported.

This week he invented the first karaoke machine in 1967 calling it The Sparco box Nishi is being remembered for the joy he brought to many people with his invention actor M EMT Walsh died March 19th 2024 in St Alban's Vermont he died of cardiac arrest at the age of.

88 he was an acclaimed character actor with roles in more than 200 movies and TV shows across 50 plus years including Knives Out Blood Simple and the jerk Walsh is being remembered for his wide range in movies like Blade Runner rais Arizona and Ordinary People Taylor Martin Greenfield died March 20th 2024 at a hospital in.

Manhasset New York at the age of 95 after learning to sew while he was a prisoner at the aitz Concentration Camp he became a renowned tailor who crafted suits for six US presidents Greenfield is also being remembered for the suits he made for such notable people people as Frank Sinatra Kobe Bryant and Leonardo.

DiCaprio singer Greg Lee died March 19th 2024 at a California hospital he died after suffering a brain aneurysm at the age of 53 he was the co-lead singer for the influential SCA band hepcat known for songs like can't wait and no worries Leah is being remembered for bringing a classic Jamaican sound to the.

1990s Sky Revival hockey player Constantine colof died March 18th 2024 in Miami he died by app parent suicide at the age of 42 he played for the Pittsburgh Penguins as well as for the national team in his home country of bellarus colof is also being remembered as the boyfriend of tennis star Arena.

Sabalenka hockey player Chris Simon died March 18th 2024 by Suicide at the age of 52 he won the Stanley Cup in 1996 with the Colorado Avalanche and he went to the NHL finals with the Washington Capitals and Calgary Flames Simon is being remembered for his aggressive style of playing and his.

Frequent fights on the ice in addition to featuring current deaths in the news legacy.com also honors the lives and Legacies of notable people who died in the past here are some of this week's anniversaries four years ago this week singer and songwriter Kenny Rogers died.

At the age of 81 he was one of country music great known for top hits like The Gambler and Islands in the Stream 5 years ago this week musician Dick Dale died at the age of 81 he was a pioneer of surf music whose guitar-driven instrumental miseru is a classic of the genre 15 years ago this week actress.

Natasha Richardson died at the age of 45 she won a Tony Award for her performance in Cabaret and starred in movies like The handmaid tale and The Parent Trap 16 years ago this week actor Ivan Dixon died at the age of 76 he was best known for starring in Hogan's Heroes as staff sergeant James kinch kincho singer and songwriter Chester.

Bennington was born 48 years ago this week he died in July 2017 at the age of 41 he was the frontman for Lincoln Park known for such hits as in the end and numb singer and actress Irene Carol was born 65 years ago this week she died in November 2022 at the age of 63 she starred in the movie Fame and sang its theme song as well as the hit movie.

Theme Flash Dance What a Feeling singer and songwriter Eddie Money Was Born 75 years ago this week he died in September 2019 at the age of 70 he many top 40 hits included take me home tonight and two tickets to paradise musician Charlie Pride was born 90 years ago this week he died in December 2020 at the age of.

86 he had 29 number one country hits including just between you and me and Kiss an Angel Good Morning comedian and actor Jerry Lewis was born 98 years ago this week he died in August 2017 at the age of 9 W he was the king of comedy known for his wacky physical comedy as well as for raising nearly $2 billion as the longtime host of the Jerry Lewis MDA.

Labor Day ton singer pianist and actor Nat King Cole was born 105 years ago this week he died in February 1965 at the age of 45 his unmatchable voice made Timeless Classics of songs like Unforgettable and the Christmas song every week in the United States flags are lowered to half staff to honor.

The lives of Americans whose communities are mourning their loss here are the most recent half staff Memorial flag honors Flags in New York have been lowered to honor the memory of genese County Sergeant Thomas a San frello Flags in Missouri have been lowered to honor the memory of Drexel Mack 16th judicial circuit court process.

Server 2 Flags in Alaska have been lowered to honor the memory of former state senator Patrick M roie Flags in Kentucky have been lowered to honor the memory of Elliot County EMT Ronald Drake Adams Flags in New Mexico have been lowered to honor the memory of state.

Police officer Justin hair you can read more about the lives of the people featured in this video on legacy.com at legacy.com any family can publish an obituary in honor of a loved one's memory online and in local newspapers everywhere just visit legacy.com and select your local community you can also.

Follow legacy.com on Facebook and subscribe to our channel here on YouTube to stay up toate on national news deaths

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3 thoughts on “Who Died: March 2024 Week 3 | News

  1. I deem the most attention-grabbing folk I no doubt admire heard of are these on the tip remembering their deaths.:Kenny Rogers – singer

    Ivan Dixon – vaguely in Hogan's Heroes.

    Irene Cara – vaguely as a singer.

    Jerry Lewis – from some movies as a comedian.

    Nat King Cole – singerThat's it….

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