Why Biden is ‘scamming’ the American of us on the border disaster


Why Biden is ‘scamming’ the American of us on the border disaster

You know it's all easier to wrap your head around once you have the understanding Joe Biden he's a con artist he's scamming the American people day in and day out hoping they're too stupid to realize it he talks about having no power yet he magically had the power to terminate remain in Mexico reinstate catch and released in title 42.

Shut down border wall construction the list goes on and on shoot almost eight dozen executive actions during his first 100 days in office so an old Joe says all he needs is the cash and the power we say we don't trust him as far as we can throw him let's bring in the ever handsome and smart senator from Utah Mike Lee Senator good to see you thanks.

For being with us on the bottom line we appreciate it so we had Chad wolf on yesterday and he said when Joe Biden came into office he immediately signed 94 executive orders not to secure the Border but to actually open the Border up why would your Republican colleagues in the Senate play footsie with Democrat Rats on this charade that if we pass a.

Bill Joe Biden May secure the Border when over the last 3 years he's done the exact opposite what's wrong with your Senate colleagues look I can't speak for anyone other than myself but I can speak in the abstract and say that if someone hypothetically believed that we would get a more secure border for it why not.

Try to negotiate it but here's the problem what they have in fact negotiated what we know about it what little we've been able to see of it is very problematic uh for the very reason you describe Sean because he has all the authority that President Trump had when President Trump wound things down he had this huge surge president Trump ground.

That down to a trickle and that was that was before title 42 even kicked in in the spring of 2020 he's got all this Authority and so the Democrats in these negotiations are requiring all these extractions all these concessions by Republicans like more visas 50,000 immigrant visas up the 250,000 additional work permits all these other.

Concessions and it's not clear to me that they're getting anything out of it that even comes close to meriting the kind of concessions they're demanding meanwhile what we're doing is we're sending the false signal to the American people that the current border crisis is for a want of adequate statutory Authority in the president that simply.

Isn't true he's got the power he just refuses to exercise it and he does so willfully right use expedited removal to remove these illegal migrants he ended expanded expedited removal in the interior he ended the vast majority of expedited removal at the border we could go on and on but Senator what do you think about the Democrats trying.

Mightily there was a recent just a memo today from the deputy press secretary Andrew Bates trying mightily to lay the blame on Republicans shame on you for not uh picking up this um Noble effort by your colleagues and also those never trumping nimrods in the conservative media who are trying to do the same thing rather than just simply saying.

Biden broke it Biden should fix it yeah look we've got the Wall Street Journal just recently came out with a an editorial saying that any Republican who opposes this deal is trying to score cheap political points at the expense of American National Security got a couple questions for you number one since when did The Wall Street Journal care about.

Border security point two how on Earth does the Wall Street journal's editorial board have the omnition to know what's in this bill when the bill doesn't exist yet have they been given a sneak peek that they won't let Senators see I don't know this is the problem it's it's not just Democrats as you point out it's also some Republicans in the media and.

Some Republicans in the Senate unfortunately who are perpetuating this message that Republicans are the problem and if we can't secure the Border it's not Joe Biden's fault it's ours this is very very UNH helpful it's toxic going into an election year and it's also likely to produce bad immigration law if we're not careful from what little I.

Know about this bill because again they won't let us see it it's got some real problems that could actually make the problem worse this is a little game that we all saw on the hill you hide the bill when it's a bad Bill so you get a limited amount of bad Press On it all in hopes that you know it'll pass and get rushed through that that's the game.

They're playing with us and you're too smart and calling out and I appreciate that Senator but I want to move on to this because the big Tech CEOs they're getting torched today at a senate hearing held over the harm their platforms are causing to children watch this did you have blood on your hands your platforms really suck Mr Zuckerberg.

What the hell were you thinking have you apologized to the victims I would you like to do so now well they're here you're on National Television would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harmed by your prod would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people is there any one of you willing to say now that you support.

This bill Mr chairman let the record reflect a yawning Silence from the leaders of the social media platforms Senator to sit in as a as a witness in that hearing room and have Republicans and Democrats in the senat join together that moment doesn't come very often um that everyone agrees that.

These guys are the problem in social media will there be a Senate bill that comes out with with uh a bipartisan vote uh there are a number of Senate bills that have been filed and I suspect several of them will have bipartisan support one bill that I'm in the process of introducing called the protect act uh would require these platforms uh to.

Maintain age verification and consent verification for any pornographic content it would also expedite the process by which someone who's been AG grieved uh by uh an intimate photo of them being released to the public without their consent to have that removed and taken down um there's another bill called The Shield act.

That's got bipartisan support uh that deals with some of these issues so yeah I think we are going to see significant bipartisan action in these areas and this is one area where I think nearly all Americans can agree especially when it comes to child sexual exploitation online you know what's really uh stunning is.

That they can do all sorts of things uh meta's platforms and previously Twitter U before it became X and before it was owned by Elon Musk they've shown this incredible ability to screen out People based on their political views anybody who even sneezes in the direction of conservatism or Christianity they find a way to U you.

Know mute their respon responses sometimes a way to shut them down alt together on their platform and yet they claim that they can't stop pornographic content I was asking Mr Zuckerberg about what they're doing on that and he said well we don't allow sexually explicit material on our platforms and I asked him how is that working out and it it it.

Wasn't intended as a laugh line but it brought laughter from the audience of activists and concerned parents so it really does concern me that they they they can act with such precision and strength and swiftness when it comes to taking down content that they disagree with politically but they somehow can't keep the pornographic content off of.

Their site especially where minor is concerned that's that's very distressing to me and to America uh Senator we appreciate you're joining us one of the great conservative uh Senators uh we appreciate you being with us on the bottom line Mike Le thank good to see you Senator thank you

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