Why can’t prices helpful preserve the identical?


Why can’t prices helpful preserve the identical?

ARCHIVE: “Inflation is causing stress.” ARCHIVE: “Bad news about prices in the grocery store.” ARCHIVE: “…historically high inflation.” In 2022, much of the world experienced a period of uncommonly high inflation. With the U.S., U.K. and Eurozone all peaking at around 10%. Meaning that prices on average were a full 10% higher than one year before. Though that's probably not a surprise.

To anyone watching this. It's thankfully now closer to the normal range, if still a bit high. But, infuriatingly, since this chart just showsa rate of change… that doesn't mean that prices are down. Just that they've stopped climbing as fast. And that really sucks. Consumers are stressed, businesses are suffering, and governments are scrambling. But, at the same time, if you were to,.

I don't know, find yourself reading and watching a ton of inflation related content… You'll also keep hearing this: ARCHIVE: “A little inflation is a good thing?” “A little inflation is a good thing.” ARCHIVE: “A little inflation now would be a good thing.” ARCHIVE: “Everybody wants a little inflation.” Why? If rising prices hurt seemingly everyone, why can't they just stay the same?.

Why can't inflation be zero? The first reason inflation can't stay at zero is because governments and their central banks don't want it to. Lots of countries actively pursue what is called an “inflation target.” RAKEEN MABUD: In the U.S. right now, it's about 2%. In fact, that's the number that's used.

By most central banks across the world. But the truth of it is that's a pretty arbitrary number. The goal is what economists consider a “virtuous cycle.” Here's what that looks like. In times when prices are generally rising, people tend to expect them to rise further, and that actually encourages people to spend money now on big durable purchases like cars or appliances, in order to avoid having to pay more for the same thinglater.

And the stuff we need to buy no matter what – goods like food or clothing – gets more expensive too, which requires us to spend more. Either way, companies make more money, which means more people have jobs and more of their own money to spend. And that means more demand and therefore higher prices. So the cycle continues. But this bit of a cycle is crucial to its “virtue.”.

It's okay if prices rise so long as wages rise too– you'll still be able to afford the same goods if your wages keep pace with inflation. Emphasis on the “if.” In the U.S. for two years, wage growth lagged behind inflation. That trend has reversed starting in mid 2023. MABUD: Wages, especially at the bottom, has kept up with inflation. In fact, in many cases, surpassed inflation.

And that is a good thing that also we have to remember, wages in this country are rock bottom and had been for way, way too long, right? So wage growth rising. Good. Our wages high enough? No. And a disruption at any point in this loop can lead to the kind of high inflation we've experienced over the past few years.

When supply chain interruptions created product shortages and some companies artificially drove up prices to increase their profits,which along with some other causes, effectively turn this virtuous cycle into a vicious one. SPONSORED HOST READ: With Digital Credit Union, you'll get a world of financial possibilities. Starting with their award-winning Primary Savings Account and a zero fee checking account that could help you get your paycheck up to two days early.

Like all credit unions, DCU is a not-for-profit, which says its primary focus is to serve their members. Unlike banks, which primarily serve their shareholders. From community give back initiatives to innovative products and services. Their mission adheres to these three principles: People Come First, Do the Right Thing, and Make a Difference. DCU does not influence the editorial process of our videos, but they do help make videos like this possible.

The government does have tools to combat rising inflation. They usually shift things here by raising interest rates. Which makes all borrowing, including credit cards and bank loans, more expensive. MABUD: When the cost of borrowing goes up, it becomes more expensive to make investments to hire people. And that eventually slows the economy down. That's what the U.S.

Federal Reserve did in 2022, which did help bring inflation closer to that 2% target – while placing an even higher financial strain on families who may need to borrow just to make ends meet. MABUD: When the Fed uses interest rates to bring down inflation, what they're doing is tamping down that demand, right. They're telling people “you can't have a job” like, “let's put you out of work.” So that demand slows, that, you know, price growth slows.

The Fed raises interest rates to slow down spending across the economy, partly by signaling to markets that they're taking the problem seriously. Which creates an expectation that inflation will fall. But we also have to talk about what happens when prices fall instead of rise. That's called “deflation.” And falling prices honestly sounds pretty good.

But they can also introduce another kind of cycle: a “deflationary spiral.” When prices fall, consumers may hold off on making big purchases, hoping for even lower prices in the future. And the stuff we need costs less, so we just spend less in general. If people are spending less, companies make less. They start to cut costs.And ultimately they lay off employees.

Unemployed people spend less, and even the people who are employed might choose to save more to stave off financial loss. So prices go down even further as demand goes down. MABUD: So ultimately, all of that adds up to slower economic growth as a whole. Which is really hard to fix. Because governments don't have the same ability to respond to deflation as they do to inflation.

Look at this chart again. The last time inflation dipped below 2%, in spring of 2020, the U.S. brought interest rates all the way down to 0.05%. And after bottoming out for a bit, that seemed to work – inflation inched back up. But if inflation hadn't come back up the government would have had limited options. Their rates were already getting almost out zero.

And then things could get… dicey. Historically, periods of true deflation are pretty rare, but when they do happen, it seems that fixing them requires a pretty serious shock to the economy. The Great Depression was in part a deflationary spiral. Solved only by the outbreak of World War Two, when the government supercharged spending and employment. And Japan is finally emerging from decades of chronic deflation.

But that's thanks in no small part to the high inflation that most of the world battled over the last few years. You don't want to rely on those kinds of things. If inflation goes below zero. It is hard to fix. MABUD: The cost of deflation is really high, and that's something that we want to avoid. This is where inflation targets come in. Let's look at this chart again.

These lines are pretty shaky. Because there are a lot of really complicated factors that affect inflation. MABUD: The macro economy is made up of the decisions of millions of people, of millions and businesses. The way those decisions interact. I mean, try thinking about how to map everything out. And it's just it's it's mind blowing, right? Inflation will always fluctuate, even if it's just a little.

And this is the last big reason why they don't want inflation to be 0%. If inflation sits here, that basic shakiness is constantly at risk of dropping down into the deflation zone, triggering the bad cycle. And the way to prevent that is to have it sit just a little bit higher. So… ARCHIVE: “ A little inflation is usually a good thing,”.

Yeah… that’s annoying.

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3 thoughts on “Why can’t prices helpful preserve the identical?

  1. The elephant in the room is that the businesses don't care about inflation anymore. They optimize for optimum profits regardless of what. If costs are increased, that suggests extra profit, no longer extra going to workers. If costs are down, that's an excuse to slice workers and again profits high. It doesn't work anymore since the professionals realized they can merely take the total money for themselves and the merchants. The working class is milked for every penny now, in their paychecks and at the money register.

  2. Soooo, that you just can very smartly be asserting that once inflation rises most long-established individuals originate smitten by attempting to search out homes and vehicles and pricey long speed issues…..one discover…… ludicrousOnly affluent individuals might perchance perchance perchance perchance contemplate in that methodology because for the the rest of the long-established folks is merely a length where it find extra troublesome and extra troublesome to dwell day by day, let on my own contemplate on attempting to search out pricey/long speed stuff.

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