Why Damascus Knives Are So Pricey | So Pricey | Insider Replace


Why Damascus Knives Are So Pricey | So Pricey | Insider Replace

This is a Damascus knife Master bladesmith Zach Jonas is twisting a fusion of Steels to make one of its trademark swirl patterns but these unique swirls are more than just decorative successfully welding dozens or even thousands of Steel layers creates some of the strongest and sharpest knives.

Money can buy what starts as individual layers of two different Alloys transforms into this 7-inch chef's knife that retails for seven hundred dollars some of Zack's knives cost five thousand dollars and commissions can reach well over seventeen thousand dollars so how are swirl patterns made from.

Steel and why Damascus knives so expensive what people tend to notice right away when looking at Damascus is that visual pattern and it ranges from a very very bold and big layers to very very fine and shimmery layers and you're going to see that pattern jump out at you and.

You're going to see the way the light plays off of it and it's going to Shimmer and look almost holographic at times the bladesmithing community refers to this effect as a chatoyans or the shrine of a cat's eye aside from the Striking pattern quality Damascus knives are known to be hard but.

Flexible and able to maintain a sharp edge to make Damascus steel Zach starts by layering two different kinds of high carbon steel managing the layers means more work for the Smith and while high-end mono Steel knives May perform similarly Damascus knives are.

Coveted for their striking appearance and the craftsmanship required to achieve it backing the layers together Zach puts the stack in the Forge and heats it to about 2 300 degrees Fahrenheit he needs an experienced eye to judge when the steel is ready because it's at risk of breaking off the handle while.

The layers are not yet Forge welded together Zach needs to consider the kind of pattern he wants to make before he can begin forging a bold pattern means fewer layers and a more intricate pattern can require several thousand foreign and working with so many layers to.

Achieve his intended design means lots of things can go wrong out of thousands of hammer strikes a single blow in the wrong place can ruin the pattern even when the pattern is done to perfection Zach has to forged the steel into a knife without distorting the design.

And if he forces the steel when it's too cold it can crack and he has to start over which for Damascus steel can mean losing a week's worth of work once he Forge welds the steel into a Long Bar Zack can begin folding over the layers the layer count has the most effect on the price.

The more layers the more folding and work for Zach which means a higher price point the pattern on this particular knife called Texas wind has only 45 layers which is why Zack sells it for just under a thousand dollars but his more expensive knives can have 5 000 layers and that can take a month to.

Complete giving it a higher price tag so you can see I'm twisting the steel with this wrench it's got to be real hot if it gets too cool the layers will want to shear and come apart and then the piece is trash keeping track of the rate that I'm twisting at counting as I go.

This technique is specific to twist Damascus and it creates star-like patterns on the steel too much twisting and the steel will run a Shear but the tighter The Twist the more dramatic the pattern and that'll do it when Zach is making a standard Damascus wave pattern he continues to work on.

Elongating and thinning the bar using a power hammer Zach's larger power hammer cost him twenty thousand dollars but that's just a drop in the bucket he spent at least one hundred thousand dollars on Specialized Machinery but this large investment allows Zach to produce high quality Damascus knives.

One Sac Ford is the tip of the blade he cross-checks it with his template to ensure the knife looks exactly as it should now it needs to undergo a metallurgical change which is called heat treatment and this part is hardening and without doing this the thing might be shaped like a knife but it won't.

Behave like a knife it won't take an edge it won't hold an edge so the heat treatment is really really a critical process and it determines the Metallurgy and therefore the performance of the finished knife but it's the quenching that makes or breaks the knife sometimes a blade will fail in the.

Quench by cracking or warping irretrievably looks like the blade came through the hardening process really well it's straight it doesn't have much warping little warps can be corrected and I can see that the scale has blown away from the surface of the steel here which tells me that the steel has contracted.

And become hard and that's what I was looking for so now this is ready for finish grinding and then a handle the grinding operation is one of the areas where the skill is kind of most important and most obvious and this is one of the things that really drives the cost a single slip can can ruin the.

Piece in an instant the handle is also an important factor when pricing the final product some materials like local Maple are more affordable for Zach but this Arizona Ironwood costs him 10 times as much it's also a harder wood than maple and requires more work to shape Zach designs the handles so they serve.

The purpose of the knife he makes kitchen knife handles slim but large enough for the chef to have a firm grip a hunting knife on the other hand requires different properties it might be used with cold or wet hands which can cause them to slip the final step in creating a Damascus knife is the etching which makes the.

Pattern Bolder to the eye once dipped in the etchant mixture one of the Alloys oxidizes and turns darker while the other alloy resists maintaining its color now the Damascus pattern is revealed but Zach isn't done yet he needs to assess the quality of his creation let's test the edge and I use paper for this this is a simple test.

Should glide through with no problems this knife is razor sharp with no dullness that needs adjusting it's ready to sell to chefs like Diego Moya Diego has been a chef for 27 years and focuses on vegetable cookery I've had some sharp knives but this one kind of out of the gate just feels like it Glides through without any resistance at.

All it's pretty amazing you basically it just does exactly what your arm wants it to do you don't have to fight it he's using a 10 inch chef's knife made by Zach which costs 1 200 I think the experience is one of effortlessness I think you just forget that you're using a knife and I think that when when you.

Forget using an iPhone you use your arm to produce The Cutting motion that's pure Bliss for this kind of experience you have to you have to pay the price Zack's buyers typically know the work that's gone into the knife they purchase and the skill level required to make a quality Damascus knife.

Zach is one of the fewer than 200 Master bladesmiths designated by the American bladesmith society to earn the title they must successfully produce a Damascus Blade with a minimum of 300 layers the blade must be strong tough sharp and balanced in Zack's case he had to take the test twice before getting the master smith.

Title The Knife performance test includes cutting through a 2×4 and even shaving hair off his arm but it was the presentation test that set Zach back because of a 10 degree misalignment in the handle since becoming a master smith Zach has continued to evolve his skills in Damascus making one of his current.

Projects might sell for over one hundred thousand dollars if it's officially commissioned so this is a project that I've been working on designing for quite a while this is a very elaborate Middle Eastern sword a type of Scimitar this is a rough ground blade that I forged out of 1500 layer Damascus the demand for Damascus knives has.

Created a market for fake Damascus where manufacturers imprint the swirl patterns on the knife and sell it at a more affordable price you can get a Damascus knife for 30 bucks but it will not cut anything for you there's definitely a growing demand for Damascus steel when I started out knife making it was not super well known and.

I've really seen it myself in the last 15 years or so as as the cultural awareness has come up and people really understand what they're looking at foreign

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3 thoughts on “Why Damascus Knives Are So Pricey | So Pricey | Insider Replace

  1. Did you understand damascus invent from india it believed that indians within the mean time also outmoded nano technology to dangle this swords however British banned any produce of weapon production after 1857 revolt in india a persian litrature talked about this sword is perhaps the most highly efficient sword on earth it will chop a individual inner a 2nd

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