Why Discontinuance We Care About Shakespeare? | BTN High


Why Discontinuance We Care About Shakespeare? | BTN High

Why do we still care about Shakespeare whether you're a fan or not it's hard to avoid the works of this early modern English 16th century playwriting poetry Penning mysterious goateed son of a glove maker also often referred to as the greatest writer in the English language we can find him and.

His 38 or so plays in classrooms Unis and theaters all over the globe and right there on our screens I can never be with someone like him girls are disastrous yeah but see there's a difference between Mike and love because I like my Sketchers but I love my prod backpack a true king searches for what he can.

Give so David tell me why is Shakespeare still relevant today and keeping in mind this is coming from someone who was in the Shakespeare club in high school so big fan little biased fantastic ftic I mean Shakespeare is all around us whether you love him or Lo him his stories are surrounding Us in contemporary culture when you think of.

Love you think of Romeo and Juliet thus from my lips by thine my sin is purged when you think about someone with ambitions you think about MCB Beth Something Wicked This Way Comes the stories have come to stand in for a whole range of human emotions that we see coming up over and over again in the stories that.

We tell ourselves Shakespeare liked to describe all the twists and turns of life and the messiness of our emotions and so it's those core feelings we can still relate to hundreds of years later like fear anger jealousy and love so I think part of the joy of reading and watching Shakespeare is finding ourselves in those plays and I don't.

Think that's accidental oh Shakespeare also didn't write specific specifically about his life and times but instead focused on bigger themes like death romance betrayal ambition and fate the fact that Shakespeare deliberately distances himself and his audience from what's around them has helped in many ways for.

Us to still be appreciating his work 400 years later this makes sense as to why you know so many movie adaptations work so well convincing enough let's do it remember the my favorite adaptation of William Shakespeare was definitely 10 Things I Hate About You that's inspired by taming the sh it's so good Bianca stord is soft I burn I Pine I perish of.

Course you do I would have to say Nomo and Juliet I think it was my first introduction to Shakespeare I can't go I know how you feel no really I'm stuck I haven't seen it R I haven't seen it I know shocking so you've all recently been performing Shakespe are learning all about sh Shakespeare do you think there are qualities about these.

Characters that kind of draw Us in like is it something that we can still relate to well I played Hamlet and I think he's a very jealous toxic person who wanted what he wanted and didn't want like my way or the highway sort of situation and I think those feelings are still very relevant today because I know people like that so I played Benvolio in Romeo.

And Juliet part rules you know not what you do and Ben volio and Sanson have sort of a few so even in High School themes of jealousy arguments all of that it's present today like we go through every day I think the characters might not depict how someone would necessarily act today but they capture how someone might might feel so humbled that he has.

Left part of his grief with me to suffer with him how has the language gone down with you it's hard to get a grasp on it first but there's like a point and once you break that wall and you kind of get through it you can understand it and make sense of it after learning it in English getting a deeper grasp of the language it became then easier to.

Perform I felt myself almost knowing and feeling those real emotions there's no denying that guy knew how to turn a phrase or ham saying there's nothing either good or bad that thinking makes it so that idea that everything is subjective it's all about how you see the world and how you respond there's nothing supremely original about any of.

The individual words in those sentences but putting them together those ideas in that really beautiful way um is is very memorable so memorable in fact that hundreds of words and phrases he invented or at least made popular have worked their way into our everyday language like Swagger tongue tide break the ice seen better days eventful and.

Stuff dreams are made of so I guess the final question is to be or not to be into Shakespeare so do you think it's good that we are still learning about Shakespeare when we're in high school I think his works are always going to be relevant because there's always topics and themes that continue to be talked about from now probably into the future.

As well well I think that all of Shakespeare's work is timeless he has all these themes that will be present forever real characters have real emotions it's real stuff

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