Why is Pauline Hanson being sued for dislike speech? | The Each day Aus


Why is Pauline Hanson being sued for dislike speech? | The Each day Aus

This week a hate speech trial against one nation leader Pauline Hansen has begun in the federal court it comes after Hansen was accused of racially discriminating against Green's Deputy leader Marine farooqi in a social media post from 2022 Hanson and farooqi have both faced questionings so far in the hearing so.

Sam it all centers around comments that Hansen made on social media back in 2022 when she was accused of racially discriminating against Green Deputy leader Marine farooqi so far we've seen both Hansen and farooqi face questioning this week and what was the post that actually kicked all of this off if we go right to the beginning of the case so in.

A social media post following the death of Queen Elizabeth II you'll remember that was in September of 2022 you were on holidays blissfully unaware I was awake I was awake when Australia was sleeping anyway at that time Marine farooqi who as I said is a green Senator she wrote it was then on Twitter now on X saying condolences to those who mourn.

The queen I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on Stolen lives land and wealth of colonized peoples she called for a treaty with First Nations Justice and reparations for British colonies in response Pauline Hansen told faruki to quote piss off back to Pakistan and it's that comment that Bine faruki is claiming was hate speech so.

Pauline Hansen fires off a tweet towards Marine faruki in 2022 what's happened from then to now yeah so shortly after the tweets were posted Marine farqi moved to what's called censure Pauline Hansen in the federal Senate and essentially what a censure is is a formal statement of disapproval of a politicians actions or policies doesn't.

Have any legal consequences and doesn't really hold much weight we've seen a number of politicians censured and never really translates outside of Parliament House so it's kind of like being told off yeah so faruki urged her fellow Senators to condemn Hansen's quote divisive anti-migrant and racist statement which she had said Unleashed.

An avalanche of hate instead labor and Coalition Senators passed a general motion at the time condemning racism and discrimination in all its forms so she didn't really get the response from the Parliament that she had hoped for she didn't and so from there Marine fi moved to Lodge a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission however when.

Pauline Hansen refused to participate in an investigation there Marine faruki ended up pursuing legal action instead and that's how we get to here so Marine farqi is arguing in this legal action that Pauline Hansen engaged in unlawful offensive behavior and that that is a breach of Australia's racial discrimination laws as part of this case.

Farooqi has also provided expert analysis of social media users responses to Pauline Hansen's post okay so that's what faruki is arguing in court what does paulen Hansen insane response to all of this paulen Hansen is denying that the tweets were made based on race her lawyers have made two main defenses so the first is that the post is.

Protected by Fair comment on a matter of public interest so arguing there that Hansen therefore had a right to make a statement defending the monarchy right the second point that her lawyers are arguing is that the post is protected by an implied but not an expressly stated right of political communication meaning that both Pauline Hansen and Marine fi.

Have a right to engage in political debate okay interesting so Pauline Hansen ultimately there isn't denying she ever said it I mean it's there in writing what she's saying she can't deny it yeah millions of people saw it right so what she's saying is she was allowed to say it because of those political and public interest defenses so both sides.

Are bringing those arguments to court this week what have we heard in the court so far hello I'm James and I produced the video you're watching if you're enjoying what you're watching we'd love it if you considered subscribing and checking us out on our other platforms it would really help in getting the word out about what we're.

Doing here at TDA thanks very much and now back to the Deep dive so day one started with Marine farqi up as a witness and she was arguing as expected that Pauline Hansen's tweet was racist she said that she felt like she had been silenced on colonization and made to feel like she didn't belong here she said that she quote started experiencing.

Racism in an overwhelming way once she entered into public life in response Hansen's lawyer sue krisen argued and I'll quote it here the racism that you've experienced is far far worse than the conduct that you complain about in relation to my client krisen went on to claim that the barrage of abuse that faruki said she had faced was actually.

Due to her own tweet which was described by the lawyer as provocative farqi rejected this premise and she said that Hansen was a well-known long-standing and prolific Sayer of racist things okay so then Marine faruki went off the stand and Pauline Hansen then took over what did she have to say yeah so on day two Pauline Hansen took to the stand and.

Over the course of the day she was essentially just played a number of clips of comments that she had made over a number of years right including in 2017 when she said Islam is a disease we need to vaccin our vaccinate ourselves against that so farooqi's lawyers were claiming that Hansen told her to go back to where she came from because she is a.

Muslim woman Hansen rejected this premise and said that in 2022 when she published the Tweet about Marine farooqi she didn't know that she was Muslim so was that kind of questioning and back and forth that occurred on the second day of the hearing Hansen spoke of feeling incensed and insulted by farooqi's tweet so quite a bit there.

Obviously there's still a bit to run in this case we are expecting it to continue until the end of this week so this is on going we'll keep everybody updated as this case progresses but faruki brought this case against Hansen in the beginning what is she actually looking for here if she wins she's asking for an apology from Pauline.

Hansen and $150,000 in compensation to be paid towards a charity whether or not she gets that we will have to wait and see thanks for taking us through that Zara we'll bring everybody the result perhaps in a news story when that gets passed down by the court in who knows how long that's we've got time for on today's.

Episode of The Daily Oz just a quick bit of news from the daily Oz we have announced that on Monday next week we are launching our first sport newsletter it's going to be hitting your inbox at 5:00 p.m. every weekday it would mean the world if you signed up I'll throw a link in today's bio we'll be back again tomorrow until then have a great day.

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