Yemen Houthi rebels missile assault sinks ship in Red Sea, tensions upward thrust amid battle | LiveNOW from FOX


Yemen Houthi rebels missile assault sinks ship in Red Sea, tensions upward thrust amid battle | LiveNOW from FOX

Welcome back to live now from Fox G friending continuing the conversation now the Israel Hamas war and those hooti Rebel strikes we know a ship attacked by y Tutti Rebels has sunk in the Red Sea after days of taking on water officials saying it's the first vessel to be fully destroyed as part of their campaign over Israel's war against tamas in the Gaza.

Strip well joining us live this morning to further break all of this down is senior lecturer in criminal justice and Homeland Security at the University of New Haven Mr Ken Gray good morning to you thank you so much for being here good morning Jana glad to be with you again so a lot to break down in hearing that the ship sank uh break down the.

Events that led to this please so last week the hoodies struck the uh the ruar which is a British flagged uh uh Merchant vessel and uh the the crew ended up having to abandon the ship and the ship has been taken on water uh through throughout the week and now it has finally gone ahead and sunk so the hoodies finally have after all this.

Launching of missiles and use of drones they finally have one ship that they can claim that they actually sunk and with all their efforts but so far it's only one and with you saying that I mean they finally can say they've sunk one ship do you think this is going to lead to them trying to see if they can SN another one I think that they will continue their.

Operation uh harassing commercial shipping in the Red Sea um as long as they have weapon systems to do so now that brings up an interesting point is that the United States and the UK and other countries have been trying to stop the hooes from making these attacks by removing their capabilities by striking their missile.

Launch sites by striking their storage sites by striking their UAV sites uh by trying to keep them from being able to launch another attack so far to date that has not proved to be very efficient and so there has actually been some talk about possibly putting boots on the ground having Ground Forces go in there now the United States talked has.

Apparently talked to the Saudis the Saudis had been at war with the houthis and share a border with them and the Saudis seem uh not interested in uh renewing their active war with the houthis so I think that if they want to put boots on the ground they'll have to go to some other Force to do so or consider putting boots.

Uh American boots or UK boots on the ground and I don't think that's going to happen as we discussed this Mr K I've seen people say what is it with these hooti Rebels and these ships is it something on the ships that they want are they concerned about commercial shipping and wanting to take those um Imports or exports or is it just.

Bragging rights in the region as we have all of these different terrorist organizations trying to control this region amid the Israel Hamas War so the hoodis are part of that axis of resistance that uh that uh Iran has been running against uh Israel uh the hoodies are too far away from Gaza Strip to actually go there themselves and so the.

The way that they are uh trying to make their efforts felt in supporting uh Hamas is by striking commercial ships by denying the rest of the world from using the Red Sea to get through the Suez Canal for a commercial shipping and so uh this is their way in taking part in this war against Israel by uh by controlling the entrance to the southern.

Entrance to the Red Sea and with all of these different fights going on I know sometimes it can get confusing but a lot of these different fights um are part of a big fight as far as control in the Middle East I want to ask you as these um different fights continue does it make it harder for a ceasefire to happen amid.

The Israel Hamas War so PE right now there is negotiations going on apparently Hamas negotiators have arrived in Cairo to continue these talks um you may recall that last week uh President Biden had announced that he thought that they were so close to uh coming to terms that he expected for the this to be implemented tomorrow well.

That's not going to happen tomorrow however they are very close uh one of the keys to the negotiations is that they want to try have to have it in place by the beginning of Ramadan which is March 10th and so we have uh a week before uh the the these negotiations will have to be solidified and the ceasefire to to start uh some of the.

Terms uh so the uh Hamas would have to release uh a large number of the hostages they are holding uh originally they were talking about releasing all of them now that list has been reduced down to the elderly the sick and women um and uh the uh the number of uh Palestinians that are being held by the Israelis that number has come down they have not given.

A number as to the the exchange rate it's not as if this is an actual exchange but they're demanding that Israel Rel some Palestinians that are being held uh they're talking about uh uh Aid the uh the continuation of aid but the main thing here is a ceasefire and we're talking about a six week long ceasefire that was six weeks when they.

Were negotiating before when there was still two weeks before Ramadan uh that length of the ceasefire may end up being just the length of Ramadan which is a month well Mr King you know I always appreciate your expertise and Dialogue on these International topics is there anything else You' like to add so I think that uh you know the the.

Northern border of Israel continues to be a hot bed of exchanges with Hezbollah so we should keep our eyes on that is that uh Israel has a lot of forces some of those they've stood down the IDF members that were called up for this fight in Gaza Strip some have been stood down they may very well find that they have to turn them North to go into.

Lebanon to deal with Hezbollah if this continues on at the rate that it's going thank you so much I know we're going to be keeping a close eye on that as always we appreciate you Mr King coming on live now from Fox you enjoy the rest of your day same to you thank you

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