Younger of us being identified with cancer: Oncologist | Morning in America


Younger of us being identified with cancer: Oncologist | Morning in America

And Princess Kate's cancer diagnosis at just 42 years old comes just weeks after we learn that her father-in-law King Charles was also undergoing treatment for cancer I want to now bring in on oncologist Dr ranina sasta drct thank you so much for joining us I know you're in Australia so we really appreciate your time this morning that's okay good.

Morning to you and it's good evening for me so let's talk about Kate she hasn't revealed what type of cancer she has we know it was discovered at after she had surgery on her stomach you're not her doctor you haven't examined her but based on the information what can you tell us well you know I think as an.

Oncologist I'm very conscious not to speculate on uh the the condition of of other people and people I don't know as you say and really I know what the the the media has has told us that she has had some plant surgery uh she seems to have recovered enough to embark on a course of chemotherapy Y and and you know I I sincerely feel especially after.

Listening to her video that we should respect her privacy and um and and hope for the best the one thing that Princess Kate said that I think resonated with so many people is if you're suffering from this there's hope you you are not alone which I think resonated with so many she's only 42 years old is it common to find cancer like this especially after.

An abdomen surgery um cancer is becoming the diagnosis of cancer is becoming more common and we do see a worrying Trend that younger people are being diagnosed with with cancer especially abdominal cancers again I don't know what sort of cancer she has uh but yes it is U unfortunately very.

True that in many of our tumor boards through the week uh we discuss patients as young as in their 20s and 30s who have cancer uh who who who need treatment and and I think you know this underscores the importance of um having the screening tests that uh that doctors recommend uh and and keeping an eye on our own health and on that of our loved.

Ones yeah I think that's great advice at all times no matter how old you are now in the video announcement the princess said she's going she's undergoing preventative chemotherapy she began that therapy in February what is preventative chemotherapy what does it entail yeah so preventative chemotherapy also known as adjuvent chemotherapy in.

In in in medical terms is essentially where you have had surgery to remove cancer but there may be uh a suspicion that there's met microscopic disease that has spread in the bloodstream and the point of this chemotherapy is to is to somewhat I suppose mop up those cells uh so that they don't set up shop elsewhere so that to reduce the risk of.

Recurrence of that cancer that's essentially what preventative chemotherapy is it's a prescribed course of treatment doctors look after you you very carefully during that time to ensure that you are tolerating the chemotherapy and so on there are additions and modifications and and and other adjustments made to treatment as.

Somebody goes along and and as we heard in the video um you know it it it's a significant period of treatment where people can feel unwell and need to explain all of this especially uh when you have a young family in t Princess Kate we have less than a minute doctor but I want to ask you we mentioned her age she's 42 she's physically fit how.

Would her age and of course her physical condition help her as she undergos this cancer treatment yeah that's a good question so you know in general young and fit people tend to have uh more stamina uh chemotherapy is growing for a lot of people young or old but hopefully uh somebody who doesn't have any other uh.

Sort of comorbidities is not frail and elderly will be able to withstand the treatment but but let's make no mistake it's still treatment that is significant requires a lot of emotional support physical support and I really hope um privacy to allow her to recover from this ordeal Dr SAR vastava joining us from Australia thank you for joining us.

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3 thoughts on “Younger of us being identified with cancer: Oncologist | Morning in America

  1. Challenge, reaction, resolution. Giant pharma created the vax that introduced about this Turbo most cancers…they’ll now Introduce to the market a mRNA vax for most cancers. All this nonsense with the royal family and media is to abet usher In this new income bound. Affect yourself a favour and study a e-book known as ‘Death is in the air’ by G Horowitz. His analysis over the past 100 years Into mountainous pharma will change your outlook on all this.

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