

Greetings to everyone from a new video, I will continue to convey to you the developments on the agenda in today's video, dear friends, before moving on to our video, I would like to thank you very much for your likes and comments. Do you remember my first topic today ? I said that he will make a persuasion visit for the post of general secretary. I wonder if Turkey will decide after the visit . While wondering whether Turkey will support the mark or not, an important claim appeared in the Dutch press today morning. Our first topic will be about this claim,.

The details are with you now about his candidacy for the NATO general secretary Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rut had recently paid a visit to Turkey. Rut, who had previously called President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and asked for support for his NATO candidacy, this time renewed his request for face-to-face support. Today, in the morning hours, the Dutch News Agency reported that Turkey's NATO general He announced that he would support the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Root, who was his secretary candidate. Thus, Rut unanimity was one step closer. Mark Rut had the support of many countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. President Erdogan, at the joint.

Press conference , gave priority to preserving NATO's essential position in ensuring European Atlantic security. He emphasized that he expects this and concluded his statements by saying that it is necessary for the allies to make intense and strong efforts, just like Mr. Stoltenberg, in eliminating the sanction restrictions and obstacles in the field of defense industry . Our President first of all, Turkey's first expectation from NATO is: First of all, friend, you will remove the defense industry sanctions and where has it been seen ? There is really no such thing. I mean, if a war breaks out in the so-called world, we.

Are traveling around as allies with all NATO countries, I still do not believe this lie, but the word is so valuable. Friends, would allies impose sanctions on each other in the field of defense industry? This was already a comedy in itself, probably Mark rutan He was asked to put pressure on Germany by Turkish diplomats. As you know, Turkey and Germany are NATO allies, but strangely enough, their ally is incapable of giving us Eurofighters. Although there was a meeting with the president regarding Turkey's Eurofighter request, there was still no approval from Germany. As I said in the last video, Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu would be a good fit. We have a dream to be the general secretary of NATO.

The brave man of the nomads, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, would suit him very well. Who knows, maybe we will see a Turkish general secretary in NATO in the future. I say, “Let's see if it's a good thing.” Then, dear friends, when we come to my second topic today, we all join the Greek press. We will go. Do you know what the Greek press says about Pentapostagma? We bought F35 from the USA against the Turks . They agreed to give F16 to the Turks and F35 to us. Americans, but we have a problem. The problem is that the S400 systems that the Turks bought from the Russians can see F35. S400 radars detect F35. The Greeks were crying , there are comedic expressions, the details in the news are with you now,.

Pentapostagma from the Greek press. He had titled his news exactly like this: Greek f35 will not be invisible for the Turks' s400, Turkish s400s will be able to follow the Greek f-35s. This will change everything. I will give you the details of the news exactly as it was in the Greek press. According to a report published in the US media Washington Post, Experts accept the ability of the Russian anti-aircraft system S400 to detect Warplanes with low radar signature. Defense industry analyst Patrick Marins, who spoke on the famous defense site Aasan Times, also emphasizes that he made great efforts to fly it near the 's.

Regarding the comparison of the F35 Sava aircraft and Russia's S4 Sava defense system, only the Turks have carried out the relevant tests and know the results. According to Turkish reports, the S400 F Can detect -16s as well as F35 and F22 But only Turks can chop this He used an important expression in the continuation of the news. Although the Western media has objected to the Russian media for years by calling it exaggeration or propaganda, a new report from the famous Washington Post says that the capabilities of the S400 allow the system to deal with invisibility technology. These developments are the ones that Ankara purchased from Moscow. It means that he is optimistic that the S400 systems he purchased will.

Help Greece target F-35 stealth fighter jets in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. However , he ended his news to the Greek press because opinions were divided on the international stage. He released a billion- dollar defense industry budget today. Maybe Dendias saw this news. Dear friends, I would like to say this. In the analysis, it was mentioned that flying F35s near S400s is particularly important. If you ask me, F35 and S400 are already in the Ukraine War field, at least S400 radars are with F35. I mean, have they already encountered the Russians' F35 or not? Well,.

They know that within themselves. The Americans know about this situation. I think there is news about this situation. Dear friends, what do you think? We have the S400 systems. The Americans also want them not to fly as close to the S400l as possible. F35 is in the war zone. Can the Greeks fly the F35 so easily compared to our neighbors Turkey, which has the S400 system? Now there is also such an option. Can the Americans come out to the Greeks two days later and say this, friend, that the S400 in the hands of the Turks is because we doubt that they are stealing the F35 information? So, you can fly around here. Imagine, Greece pass is like this. Does the F35 take you around the coasts of Europe?.

The moment it enters the Turkish border, its entry there is now controlled via the computer. Now, as you know, the F35 is right there. Imagine, it's in the USA. Now they look at the control station. The Greeks are looking at the plane, it's going in the opposite direction, it's not going towards Turkey. Really , what a shock they would be, but dear friends, the only port the Greeks can fit into right now is F35. Because, regarding the national combat aircraft Kaan, they are content with just watching. Until this time , they were making a lot of news saying that the Turks were doing this and that, especially the USA will not give this. But now I want to ask you, which brave father can prevent us from transporting national Combat Airplanes? From which.

Country will we get permission? With God's permission, there will be no need for permission from any country to have national Combat Aircraft. That is why the Greeks should wait for permission from other countries, they are not even our equals. But Turkey is trying to defend itself under all circumstances. When we come to my 3rd topic today, we come to our social media news. I have beautifully interpreted important and remarkable developments for you. In our social media news today, for example, do you remember the Turkish-Russian joint Observatory network recently? The Observatory, which was established in Adam after the 2nd Karabakh Operation,.

Has terminated its activities. An official statement came from our Ministry of Defense. Of course, there was no information about the position of our soldiers, but the activities were terminated, dear friends. In fact, while everything was normal up to this point, in the photos I shared, there was a ceremony on that last day, something caught my attention. If you want , it is a visual that caught my attention. As you may know, recently, the Turkish-Russian joint Center in Azerbaijan Network Adam announced the end of its activities in a ceremony. Dear Friends, during this ceremony, here are the Russian commanders, Turkish commanders, Azerbaijani generals, they are all together, they are now their own countries. While I was saying Thank you,.

I don't know what's in the background, I caught your attention, but it really caught my attention. Who did the red icon you saw disturb the most? Your guesses were correct so far. It was a message with a very deep meaning for the Russians. Because, as I said, in the international literature, the only human defense tool is Bayraktar. Isn't it possible to put a representative picture of a human combat vehicle in another way , but as you will have seen, Bayraktar TB2 is officially owned by the Russians. Ken Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan made a remarkable statement. Recently , Pashinyan said that today we stopped at a bakery on the road and one of our citizens asked me why we gave four villages to Azerbaijan. I said ,.

“Our real maps have never been like this in Armenia.” Pashinyan used a remarkable statement by saying “I told him that there were no villages.” Shall we go with Israel? There are very interesting developments in Israel. A new one was added to the accidents of Israeli ministers. Finally, today, opposition minister Beni Gans, one of the Israeli War Cabinet ministers, fell and broke his foot while riding a bicycle and was hospitalized. Recently Both the far-right Minister of National Security Ben Giver and the Minister of Education Hin Bitton were involved in a traffic accident with their vehicles. Ben had three cracked ribs and Bton's father was seriously injured.

Let me state that the things you are going through have also crossed my mind. Now here, they are immediately putting an obstacle and restriction on the video. If I tell you what happened , the USA bought 81 Soviet-era warplanes from Kazakhstan. Yes, you heard right, it was predicted that the planes would be sent to Ukraine. Well, Russian warplanes will be used against Russia, but it is stated that the planes are not in a flying condition. They are usually spare parts and fake Targets. It was stated that the airports would be used for this reason. Maybe the connection between Russia and Kazakhstan could be opened due to this issue. I said, “I hope so.” If the connection between Russia and Kazakhstan.

Is opened, rapprochement with Turkey will be easier. Iran's religious leader Khamenei asked an Azerbaijani bookseller why he was using Turkey Turkish instead of Azerbaijani Turkish. I heard my voice. I'm a little short. Let's listen to Ham's voice. Celer. It's Turkish dialect. Why don't they say min min? I believed from day one. Why did Men write it? It would be good . Tebz. Hamin's father was a Tabriz folk singer. It is stated that he is of Azerbaijani origin and knows Turkish well. Hürjet, very good news.

Is coming. Today, Tusaş is in the x video he shared. Hür shared the state of the aircraft while performing aggressive maneuvers. In the future, it will demonstrate its maneuver performance as the aircraft of the Turkish Stars demonstration team all over the world and in our cities. 7.2 g high manava test images, that is, it survived with a very strong g force. May God protect it from evil eyes. I hope it will replace the F5 plane on the Turkish Stars as soon as possible. hürjet Our skin will be restored, we have come to the end of today's video. If you are coming to our channel for the first time, you can support us by subscribing to our channel. You really liked our video.

What can we say, then take care of yourself. May God bless you, may everything be as you wish. Thank you.

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